1. Based on the career of Roger Leakey, the former Director of Research at the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, this book presents the experiences of real life situations in rural villages of remote and distant places. Living with the Trees of Lifedemonstrates how the...
  2. 01/01/1984 Addressing the problem of the high cost of agricultural development in tropical regions, this book summarizes the environmental concerns associated with tropical agriculture. The authors highlight major environmental hazards confronted in tropical agriculture and suggest specific management...
  3. Ressource principale Vous voulez aider les gens dans les tropiques. Fantastique! Les tropiques vous attendent à bras ouverts. Peu importe vos compétences et talents, vous pouvez améliorer la vie des gens dans les tropiques. L’intérêt que vous manifestez pour le bien-être physique et spirituel des gens peut se...
  4. This publication includes articles on conservation farming techniques and applications. Different page numbers, illustrated
  5. 01/01/1998 A collection of papers by students st Texas A&M on tropical horticulture subjects.
  6. 01/01/2014 légumineuse polyvalente cultivée pour la consommation humaine ainsi que pour améliorer les sols et le fourrage animal. C’est la deuxième légumineuse à grains la plus cultivée en Afrique (National Research Council, 2006). Bien que cette légumineuse soit cultivée partout dans les tropiques, et qu’...
  7. 20/10/2013 No matter how much you have tried to learnbefore taking on an agriculture project, gaps in knowledge are inevitable. You might even be working in the area of agriculture without any formal training in the subject. ECHO shares helpful agricultural information through our ECHOcommunity.org website,...
  8. WELCOME to Tropical Production Systems. TPS is a nonprofit service organization dedicated to families with scarce economic resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the American, African and Asian Humid Lowland Tropics (tropical lands with over 1500 mm rainfall/yr and under 900m elevation). The...
  9. This is the index of publications from Tropical Production Systems. Technical Guides AGRO ETHNO ECOLOGY: Foodcrop-Livestock-Forestry Production in the Humid Lowland Tropics. Amazonian Edition 2016. Click here to download the English version in PDF (5.3MB Print Ready) Click here to download the...
  10. Ressource principale 28/12/2001 This book is about global hunger, and our backyard garden. It looks at the opportunities that the future holds for people facing hunger all over the world, with these objectives: 1. To create an awareness that there is a world of potential beyond tomatoes and green beans. 2. To note what some of...