Edible Portin:Fruit, Herb Probably a natural hybrid between sweet orange and pomelo. A medium sized evergreen tree up to 10-15 m high. They spread5 m across. The stem is stout and crooked. The branches hang down giving a rounded crown. The thorns are small. Theleaves are dark shiny green and...
Edible Portion: Fruit A small evergreen tree. It has spines. It grows 3-4 m high. The leaves are thin and slightly leathery. They are smooth, andshiny on the upper surface. They are 4-8 cm long. The leaf stalk is 2-4 cm long and has wings. The flowers can occur singly orin small groups in the...
Edible Portion: Fruit A citrus relative. The tree is 5-8 m tall. The leaves are large (18 cm x 6 cm) and simple. Young leaves have lobes. The leavesare more thin and papery than other citrus. The leaves taper towards the tip and have notched edges. The leaf stalks are shortand without wings. It...
Edible Portion: Fruit, Bark - Spice A tree. It grows 12 m high. The trunk is smooth and light coloured. There or four branches develop from a swelling on the stem.The leaf stalks are 1-3 cm long. The leaf blades are oblong and 10-20 cm long by 3-8 cm wide. The flowers are in a looselybranched...
Edible Portion:Fruit An evergreen tree. It grows 8-15 m high. It can spread 5-15 m across. It has a dense rounded crown. The trunk is smooth andpale grey. The inner bark is orange. The leaves have leaflets along the stalk. The leaves are 10-20 cm long with 2-6 pairs ofopposite leaflets. The...
Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves - Tea, Seeds - Coffee A medium sized deciduous tree. It can be 30 m tall. In cultivation it is often only 6-9 m high. The bark is dark brown to black. Itcracks into small squares. The leaves are alternate. The leaves are oval and 12 cm long by 7.5 cm across. They are...
Edible Portion: Flowers, Flowers - Tea, Fruit, Seeds A deciduous shrub or small tree. It grows 2-8 m tall. It has an irregular shape. The leaves fall off during the year. The leavesgrow in spirals at the tips of the branches. They are smooth and broadly sword shaped and taper to both ends. The...
Edible Poriton:Fruit, Leaves, Vegetable Often a Golden apple tree grows to a large tree which can be up to 30 m high but is more often 15 m high in cultivation. It has atrunk 60 cm across which can have buttresses. The bark on the trunk of the tree is fairly smooth. The twigs break off easily.The...
Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Leaves A medium sized tree. It grows 20-30 m high. The trunk can be 0.5-2 m across. Branches start after 10-15 m. They arewidespread and sparse. The leaves are compound. They have leaflets along the stalk. The leaflets are in pairs with a leaflet atthe end. There are...
Edible Portion: Fruit An evergreen bush. It grows to 6 m high in the humid tropics. The leaves are dark green and elongated. Forms with differentleaf types are known. The leaves are alternate. The leaves are simple and entire and clustered near the tips of branches. Theleaf blade can be 5-10 cm...