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  1. 01-01-1987 Take this handy tool for pest identification right into your garden or use at home. Discover how you can use organic controls to rid yourself of pest problems. Large color pictures and descriptions of each pest and their life cycle help make identification easy.
  2. This is a comprehensive manual on the biology, economic impact and control tactics for the silverleaf whitefly.
  3. The definitive work in its field--gives more information on the pests of agricultural crops, humans, domestic animals and the home than any other book. Comprises a brief and concise introduction to entomology, covering insect anatomy, morphology, development, physiology and classification. Unique...
  4. 15-02-2019 Featured in this AN: Gracious Greetings from the New Regional Director of ECHO Asia Preventing Insect Damage of Stored Seed Using Low-Cost Control Options Rice Hull Gold: 10 On-farm Uses of Rice Hulls
  5. Insect management presents a challenge to organic farmers. Insects are highly mobile and well adapted to farm production systems and pest control tactics. On organic farms, where the focus is on managing insects rather than eliminating them, success depends on learning about three kinds of...
  6. Abstract, 2012, Journal of Insect Science Intercropping is one of the important cultural practices in pest management and is based on the principle of reducing insect pests by increasing the diversity of an ecosystem. On—farm experiments were conducted in villages of semi—arid tropical (SAT)...
  7. 27-04-2018 This article shares experienceswith milipede damage on cropsfrom network memberNoah Elhardt inSenegal and Bill Stough in Uganda. It also shares some potential control measures from a thesis by Ernst Ebregt.
  8. 19-10-1993 ECHO's name symbolizes ideas, information and seeds "echoing" back and forth between ourselves and our overseas network. We owe much of our effectiveness to you. There are many examples in this issue. The most difficult editing decision is always which material to delay. We have enough material...
  9. 19-12-1991 The following are abstracted from an article in the magazine Baobab, #5, 1990. They in turn learned it from "The Farming World" of BBC World Service. First a review. You have read in previous issues of EDN and probably elsewhere about this tree's use in insect control. There are many active...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Grasshoppers and snails can be a serious problem for any vegetable seedbed as they chew the tender stems of seedlings. Caterpillars can also cause damage, but more so on tomato and cabbage than on chilli.To protect their young crops many farmers use pesticides....