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  1. Edible portions: Fruit, Leaves, Flowers - pistil A deciduous shrub or vine. It can be erect or spreading. It grows 3 m high. The branches are weak and arching. The side branches end in short leafless spines. It forms suckers freely. The leaves are oval and grey-green and taper to the tip. They...
  2. Edible portion : Fruit, Seeds, Leaves, - Seeds-oil, Flowers, Roots A small tree or shrub 8-10 m high. It is evergreen. It has smooth bark which is mottled. The bark peels off in smooth flakes. The plant branches close to the ground. The branches are four angled. Trees are shallow rooted. The...
  3. Edible portion : Rhizome, Roots, Leaves, Seeds, Herb, Spice, Flowers, Vegetable A herb which grows year after year. It grows to 1.6 m high and spreads to 1 m across. The rootstock creeps under the ground. This is round like a cylinder and branches. This thick rhizome can be 10-12 cm long by 3 cm...
  4. Edible portion : Rhizome, Root, Vegetable A perennial plant up to 2 m high with large fleshy underground rhizomes. The stem is erect. There are 4-8 leaves near the base. There are 1-8 leaves on the stem. It has large leaves on long stalks near the base. These stalks can be 3.5-20 cm long. The...
  5. Edible portion : Root A herb. It keeps growing from year to year. The leaf stalks can be 7 m long and look like banana leaves. The leaves are 1-2 m long. The flowers hang downward. The bracts are yellow with green tips. They are like a parrot's beak. It is a tropical plant. It grows in areas with...
  6. Edible portion:Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Flowers - tea, Gum, Vegetable A small tree up to 15- 20 m tall with long cracks in the bark. It is often a smaller tree about 3-5 m high. It is spiny and deciduous. Some kinds have thorns 5 cm long. The young branches are smooth and green. The bark is...
  7. Edible portion:Fruit, Leaves, Seeds A medium sized tree. It is thorny. It loses many of its leaves during the year. It grows up to 10-12 m high. The bark is grey, brown or pale red. Branches and the under surface of the leaves are densely hairy when young. The thorns arise from the base of the...
  8. Edible portion : Shoots, Leaves, Fruit A large herb. It grows 4 m tall. The flowering shoots are erect and 45 cm long. The flowers are green, yellow or orange. They have red or orange bracts around them. It is a tropical plant. It grows in the moist lowlands. Cairns Botanical Gardens.
  9. Edible portion: Sap, Roots, Flowers A tall thick stemmed clumpy grass. It has many nodes. It grows 1-6 m tall. It spreads 100 cm wide. A large number of different cultivated varieties occur. The leaves are long and narrow. They taper to the tip. They are rigid and droop at the tip. The cane...
  10. Edible portion: Fruit, Leaves A vigorous deciduous vine. It can grow to 30 m long. They have a tight non shedding bark. The shoots are warty and the tendrils are unbranched. The leaves have slight lobes. The leaves are 6-12 cm long with toothed edges. The leaves are dark green on top and greenish...