In the 19thcentury, a German botanist at the University of Wurzburg,Julius Sachs, dedicated his career to understanding the essential elements that plants need to survive. By examining differences between plants grown in soil and those grown in water, Sachs found that plants did not need to grow...
Access Agriculture Training Video पानी की बचत, कम से कम भूमि का उपयोग, कम शरम, तेजी से विकास, उचच उपज के अतयधिक पौषटिक चारे देना जो आपके पशुधन में सुधार करेगा। हाइडरोपोनिक चारा उतपादन में ये परमुख लाभ हैं। उपलबध भाषा Chitonga / Tonga अंगरेजी अरबी चिचेवा / नयंजा टवि तेलुगु फरेंच बांगला मराठी...
Peggy Bradley This class shows different things that can be used instead of soil to grow plants. It is part of a micro-gardens Class to grow your own food on 100 by 50 foot lot.
Peggy Bradley This is Class 3 in the Micro-gardens Class. It discusses making larger garden containers out of shipping pallets and sheets of black plastic.