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  1. 03-01-1990 Peruvian peasants are proud to share their knowledge Experimentation by Thai farmers raises their self-confidence You cannot fix indigenous knowlege Traditional Indian agriculture Andean agriculture Culturally significant pest control Working with local knowlege in range and livestock...
  2. 19-10-1991 Chinese peasants design their future Rural university in Colombia Research-training-action in Senegal Learning systems agriculture Peasants and NGOs in a shared quest Agriculture, women and ecology Revitalising indigenous knowledge
  3. 19-12-1991 Strategies for integrated systems Herding associations - Peru Community based landuse planning in Thailand Lowland farming Women integrate fish and farming Sustainable agriculture Agroforestry Indigenousknowledge
  4. 01-01-2011 *Disponible solo en español. El proposito de este manual es proporionar a promotores y propmotoras una herraminenta que les permita conocer y difundir las buenas practicas agroecologicas indigenas, cuya aplicacion les permitira hacer una agricultura sostenible y ecologicamente segura, obtener...
  5. AFSA’s collection of case studies shows how agroecology benefits Africa in terms of food security, nutrition, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, cultural sensitivity, democracy, and value for money. Agroecology works in harmony with nature. It...
  6. Abstract, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2019 Homemade botanical insecticides are widely used by subsistence and transitional farmers in low-income countries. Their use is often driven by the limited availability or cost of commercial pesticides. Homemade botanical insecticides are often...
  7. 01-04-2009 If you work in a country that is not your own, chances are you sometimes wonder about which crops to grow and promote. A good first step is to find out what is already being grown in-country. It will quickly become obvious what the staple grains are. Less apparent, and often greatly...
  8. 20-03-2014
  9. On the 2017International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations is celebrating the 10th anniversary of theDeclaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The Declaration, formally adopted in 2007,is an international human rights instrument that sets a standard for the...
  10. 20-01-2017 Climate change presents a profound challenge to food security and sustainable development in Africa. Its negative impacts are likely to be greatest in the African region, which is already food insecure. In the face of global climate change and its emerging challenges and unknowns, it is essential...