General description and special characteristics – Vigorous, vining, annual (sometimes biennial) legume. Vines may extend up to 18 m (19.7 yd) in length. Velvet bean originally came from China and eastern India where it was commonly grown as a green vegetable crop.
- Bush Variety (พันธุ์พุ่มเม็ดลาย): Doesn't climb, a good GMCC. Takes care of the soil well. The seeds are white with black speckles.
- Chiang Dao (พันธุ์เลื้อยเม็ดดำ): Climbing variety. Requires short days for flower and pod production. An excellent green manure / cover crop. Seeds a black.
- Tropical (พ้นธุ์เลื้อยเม็ดสีขาวขุ่น): Climbing variety. Requires short days for flower and pod production. An excellent green manure/ cover crop.