Vegetable Legumes
Immature legume pods and green seed are used as vegetables. Green pods contain good quantities of fiber and most nutrients, especially protein, vitamins and minerals, but minimal oil and carbohydrates. Immature seed contains similar nutrients to mature seed but are higher in vitamins A and C and are easier to digest. A few leguminous vegetables contain toxic substances. All should be cooked before consuming. They can be adequately prepared by boiling 20 minutes.
- Abstract,International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2018 Vegetables farm an important portion of human diet and are more important for the vegetarian population. Family Leguminosae is one of the highly diverse families of vegetables. In addition, vegetables belonging to...
Food and Feed from Mucuna: Current Uses and the Way Forward Proceedings of an International Workshop
- Muoni, T., Barnes, A. P., Öborn, I., Watson, C. A., Bergkvist, G., Shiluli, M., & Duncan, A. J. (2019). Farmer perceptions of legumes and their functions in smallholder farming systems in east Africa.International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,17(3), 205–218....
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