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  1. 2006-10-20 What happens to seed yield if a crop is planted in a warmer climate or if global warming causes temperatures to rise? Increased carbon dioxide levels may encourage some plants to grow larger and increase crop yields, but elevated temperatures could leave some seed crops sterile.
  2. 2017-05-23 This presentation on Gree Manure Cover Cropsseeks to answer the question: How do we achieve all of these objectives (profitability, practically, resiliency, reduced reliance on fossil-fuels, sustainability) when land is limited/degraded, inputs are unavailable or unattainable, labor is scarce,...
  3. 2017-05-22 This presentation discusses climate change, including impacts specific to agriculture in Nepal, and approaches to mediate its effects.
  4. Achieving the goals of Feed-the-Future and theGlobal Food Security Strategyrequires careful consideration of the impact of relevant climate science on agricultural production, while at the same time considering other cross-cutting issues that influence agricultural growth, poverty alleviation and...
  5. No single research institution working alone can address the critically important issues of global climate change, agriculture and food security. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) will address the increasing challenge of global warming and...
  6. 2017-11-15
  7. A group of scientists, farmers and staff from development organizations in Malawi and Tanzania put together an integrated curriculum onagroecology,climate change,nutritionandsocial equity. This training material was written in such a way that rural people with limited education can use it to...
  8. The Food Climate Research Network conducts, synthesises, and communicates research at the intersection of food, climate, and broader sustainability issues. Based at the University of Oxford, we work to inform and connect stakeholders with a common interest in understanding and building...
  9. 2017-04-18 Review “At this point in time, theDrawdownbook is exactly what is needed; a credible, conservative solution-by-solution narrative that we can do it. Reading it is an effective inoculation against the widespread perception of doom that humanity cannot and will not solve the climate crisis....
  10. Smallholder systems exist under a broad range of climatic conditions. There are some basic considerations, however, that applyin nearly every set of conditions. Soil and water conservation Productivity of both crops and animals depends on the availability of water and fertile soil.Where there is...