Kreyòl Ayisyen (ht) | Chanje Lang (Change Language)
  1. Edible portion: Fruit, Kernel, Nuts A tree up to 8 m high. It can be 30 m high. It is evergreen and has an open crown. The branches are mostly horizontal. The leaves are oval but taper towards both ends. They can be 6-25 cm long by 2.5-8 cm wide. They are shiny and bright green. The leaves are...
  2. Edible portion: Fruit A medium sized tree. The crown is rounded and the tree is evergreen. It grows 10-26 m high. The bark is black. The leaves are glossy and dark green. They are 10-15 cm long. The flowers are of one sex and are yellowish green. The female flowers occur singly and the male...
  3. Edible portion:Fruit, Aril, Pods, Seeds, Seeds - oil A shrub or small tree. It grows up to 10 m tall but can be 15-25 m tall. The trunk can be 50-60 cm across. There are many branches. The branches are spiny. These are in pairs and are 4-10 mm long. The young leaves are usually reddish. The...
  4. Edible portion:Root - oil for flavouring A tropical grass. It keeps growing from year to year. It has stout roots. It grows 2 m high. It grows in dense tufts. The leaf blades are 90 cm long by 4-10 mm wide. The flower panicle is oblong and 13-30 cm long. It is a tropical plant. It grows in areas...
  5. Edible Portion:Pods, Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Bark, Vegetable, Flowers, It is a leafy shrub or a spreading tree. It loses its leaves during the year. It can grow to 12 m tall. The leaves are broad and lobed. The bark is rough and brown. The leaves are simple and can be 20 cm across. The tip of the...
  6. Edible portion: Probably not edible. Used in medicine A tree. It grows 7 m all. It does not have spines. The bark flakes into vertical strips. It is pale brown. The leaves ahve sharp teeth. They are compound. The flowers are in large branched clusters. The flower tube is yellow with red lines in...
  7. Edible portion: Fruit A grape vine. The leaves may not have lobes or can have 3-5 lobes. They are green above and hairy underneath. They have shallow teeth. The flowers are in a dense panicle. The are 5-15 cm across. It is a temperate plant. In Canada it grows in dry woods.
  8. Edible Portion: Fruit A vigorous trailing bramble. This is a cross between a raspberry and probably a dewberry. The vine looses its leaves during the year. Plants are self fertile. The fruit is a berry. It is long and red but matures to a purple-black. The berry is larger than a Youngberry and...
  9. Edible Portion: Fruit An erect tree. It grows 5-12 m tall. It can be 30 m tall. It has yellow latex. The leaves are simple and opposite and narrowly oval.. The leaf blades are 8-25 cm long by 3-9 cm wide. The flowers are clustered in the axils of the leaves. They are greenish white. The fruit are...
  10. Edible portion: Gum A tree. It grows 25 m tall. The trunk can be 60 cm across. The bark is smooth and powdery. The throns are straight and white in pairs and 10 cm long. The leaves have spines. The flowers are yellow and in round heads. The fruit are yellow brown pods. They are 13 cm long and...