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Dipersembahkan Oleh: Charei Munene & Sophia Kasubi

Acara: 2025 ECHO East Africa & Hope International Burundi Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture & Appropriate Technologies (27 Februari 2025)

This presentaion covers the following topics: 

  • Conservation Agruculture (CA) is a proven regenerative agricultural methodology​
  • CA has greater impact when complemented and supplemented by other activities identified by the community​
  • Community participation, contribution, ownership and leadership is critical for sustainability 
  • Enhanced attitudes of understanding, flexibility, adaptability and creativity are essential intentionally considering enough time and quality, rather than shorter time and quantity​
  • Networking/Networks, exchange visits, on-going training, symposiums/conferences are also helpful in constantly unlearning and re-learning more for greater impact. ​