Plant Diseases
A plant pathologist or a student taking plant pathology is often asked by friends or associates the following questions. What is wrong with my plant; followed by, what can I do to get rid of the problem? It may be too late to help the specific plant when the question is asked, but proper diagnosis may be extremely important in preventing the problem on other plants or in preventing the problem in the future.
--- American Phytopathological Society
- Abstract, There are various ways in which plant nutrient supply or concentration affects plant diseases and pests. The supply of nutrients changes the resistance of plants to pathogens and pests by altering growth and tissue composition (e.g., concentration of soluble compounds or defence...
- Abstract, Compost Science and Utilization, 2002 An increasing body of experimental evidence indicates that plant disease can be suppressed by treating plant surfaces with a variety of water-based compost preparations, referred to in the literature as watery fermented compost extracts or compost...
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- In the preceding section on identifying plant health problems (, we explained how to first identify problems related to environmental factors or caused by insects. In this section, we will concentrate on diagnosing plant diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms,...
- 19 Januari 1994 If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutionsat – Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – Return to the Publications List
- Seminar Nasional Agroteknologi 2022 Volume 2023 Purple spot disease is one of the main diseases in leaf onion cultivation. One form of control is carried out by utilizing neem plants, especially the neem leaves which have the potential as vegetable...
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- Abstract,University of Tehran, 2017 Nowadays, hundreds of plant clinics are available for smallholder farmers especially in developing and less-developed countries in order to improve the yield and quality of agricultural products. Several investigations have been carried out to study the role of...