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  1. 20 April 2002 Livestock production Livestock Revolution Livestock strategies in Bolivia Climate-soil-pasture-cattle interactions in Brazil Integrated systems Dry rivers Zero grazing in Kenya Cuban experience in integrated farming Llam production in Bolivia Dutch dairy farmers Predatory ants
  2. 20 April 2020 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes At the...
  3. 20 Januari 2005 The best way to finish off your dream farm or garden is to balance it with a small livestock unit. Animal integration is Fundamental #10. It will create a low cost high quality fertilizer source as well as produce food to eat. Livestock properly managed will bring the tropical farmer higher...
  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. Pengantar Salah satu hal terbaik yang dapat dilakukan untuk membuat komplit keberlanjutan dari pertanian atau kebun Anda adalah melalui menyeimbangkannya dengan unit ternak berukuran kecil. Integrasi ternak sangat penting, ada dalam urutan #10 dalam buku...

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