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  1. Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria known asVibrio cholerae. The main symptoms of this disease are diarrhea and vomiting, which both lead to rapid dehydration in people with this potential fatal disease. Keeping people hydrated, long enough so that they are able to seek medical...

  2. Insektisida alami dapat diperoleh dari biji pohon mimba yang akan disemprotkan ke tanaman di lahan untuk menghindari serangan dari serangga. Dalam video yang berdurasi 2 menit 33 detik ini, kita akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara untuk memilih buah mimba yang baik, mengeringkannya, membuang kulit...

  3. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to people through the bite of the femaleAnophelesmosquito. Symptoms of malaria are: high fever, chills, abdominal pain, headaches, tiredness and fatigue. If anyone experiences these symptoms, it is important to go to the nearest...
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