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Acara: 2025 ECHO East Africa & Hope International Burundi Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture & Appropriate Technologies (26 Februari 2025)

This presentation will cover five of the most invasive, noxious plants in the north Tanzania. Parthenium hysterophorus, Chromolaena odorata, Prosopis juliflora, Opuntia sp., and Lantana camara.​

However, if you look at this link, you will find over 200 invasive plants, many of which are popular fruits, garden flowers, forages, palms, and more! E.g.: Guava, Passionfruit, Desmodium sp., Leucaena sp., Azolla, Sunflower, Ginger, Hemp, Dragonfruit, and trees: Grevillea, Pine, Wattle, Jacaranda, Gliricidia, Flamboyant, Cedrela odorata, Calliandra, and many more.​ – A link to the top 200 Invasive Plants of Eastern Africa