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  1. Sumber Daya Utama 02 April 2003 This book is an all-in-one "hands-on guide" for nontechnical and technical people working in less developed communities. It has been developed and designed with a prestigious team of authors, each of whom has worked extensively in developing societies throughout the world. This field guide...
  2. Sumber Daya Utama 01 Mei 1993 This guide for carpentry instructors includes detailed plans for practical demonstrations, and important theoretical aspects of the craft. The tools include planes, clamps, workbench and vice. There is also a section on basic blacksmithing techniques.
  3. Sumber Daya Utama 19 Januari 1999 The introduction of technology into developing communities around the world is closely tied to the everyday jobs of international aid workers, engineers, health professionals, social workers, and members of religious organizations. A majority of people involved with international development have...
  4. With the right knowledge and skills anyone, anywhere can take ownership of their own water, sanitation and hygiene. CAWST empowers people to take action in their homes and neighbourhoods, builds resiliency, and ensures appropriate solutions for the local water context.
  5. 01 Januari 2001 This simple device provides a method of manually producing bales of hay. Small-scale farmers may be interested in this technology because hay is both easier to store and easier to transport when it has been baled. Also, baled hay retains a higher nutrient content than hay that has been cut and...
  6. 12 Agustus 2016 The Biosand Filter Construction Manual describes what a biosand filter is and how it works. It also describes the steps to construct, install and monitor Version 10 biosand filters. Available Online
  7. 01 Oktober 2002 Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) is a simple, environmentally sustainable, low-cost solution for drinking water treatment at household level for people consuming microbiologically contaminated raw water. SODIS uses solar energy to destroy pathogenic microorganisms causing water borne diseases and...
  8. Sumber Daya Utama 01 Desember 1989 Shows how to make a simple, cheap, pump suitable for small-holding and garden use, a pump which can raise water from rivers or wells, with lifts of up to 30 metres. A simple clear text, with line drawings, showing how common materials can be used. 27 pages, illustrated.
  9. Sumber Daya Utama 01 Januari 1999 This book provides a state-of-the-art review of practice in the collection of rainwater. It presents case studies with numerous examples from around the world which will help anyone intending to design or construct a rainwater catchment system. The prime focus of the book is on implementation of...
  10. Sjoerd is a Soil Management Specialist in the Crop Management Extension Group at Penn State University. His work concentrates on sustainable intensification using conservation agriculture. He has helped destitute youth in Kenya start a hay baling business using appropriate technologies and is...