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  1. 22 April 2022 Have you wondered what has been happening across the Asia region over the last couple of years? Have you, your team, or your neighbor had a breakthrough recently? Let's share together and celebrate! On April 22nd, ECHO Asia will hold a virtual symposium, welcoming attendees from across the...
  2. 25 Februari 2022
  3. These are a few images from the Seed Saving Fundamentals Course on 28 January2022CLICK HERE to return toworkshop resources.
  4. 01 Januari 1994 4 paperback volumes Booklet 1: General information - This book provides the general information covering a variety of topics including: an introduction to the workshop process, how to use these manuals, identification, collection and preparation of medicine, common units of measurement,...
  5. Covers aspects of farm managementand water conservation, animal husbandry, planting tree crops, and soil fertility management.
  6. Farmers in upland area throughout the world face similar problems. They generally cultivate feilds on moderately to severe sloping land with thin, easily eroded soils in areas where rainy season is short but intense.
  7. 01 Juni 2021 What Steps Should I Take?
  8. 01 Juni 2021 [Catatan Editor: Ini hanyalah satu contoh rencana biosekuriti untuk operasi peternakan babi skala kecil di satu wilayah. Contoh ini dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah pola untuk ditiru (template). Tidak mungkin semua tindakan yang ada di sini akan bisa dilakukan secara praktis atau cocok dengan...
  9. 01 Juni 2021 Virus Flu Babi Afrika dan Dampaknya pada Produksi Daging Babi (Pork) Global Seiring dengan meningkatnya kemakmuran global, permintaan akan protein hewani juga meningkat. Daging babi telah menjadi daging hewan darat yang paling banyak dikonsumsi, yaitu sebesar 37% dari total konsumsi daging dunia...
  10. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a very drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, cool season crop that tolerates heat during fruiting and ripening. It is grown as a cool season annual in a broad belt through the Mediterranean region to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Europe, Central, and...