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  1. Backyard Aquaponics, a company based in Western Australia, offers a very informative website, including pages of basic information related to designs, fish breeds, plants and other topics related to aquaponics. For instance, the following link connects to the aquaponics designs page that offers a...
  2. The founder of Indobamboo, Arief, is a second generation bamboo specialist, following in the footsteps of hismother Linda Garland, who founded the Environmental Bamboo Foundation. Linda is well-regarded for putting in place theground work that mademany giant leaps possible forindustrialists,...
  3. TheSRI Homepage/System of Rice Intensificationwebsite,a joint collaboration of Association Tefy Saina and CIIFAD, offers a wealth of SRI-related material, particularly on its "SRI Practical and AV Material” page. Downloadable English manuals includeHow to Help Rice Plants to Grow Better and...
  4. The Tropical Forages websiteis a collaborative effort between CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries (Qld), Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). The website is designed to enable...
  5. 02 Desember 2015 A basic outline and breakdown on how to conduct a community-level seed exchange so that participants can implement one in their home communities and workplaces.
  6. 12 Mei 2015 How to cultivate mushrooms in the tropics, an introduction and overview.
  7. 12 Mei 2015 An overview of perennial vegetables in Thailand, why they are important, and how they can be utilized and promoted in community development and agriculture projects.
  8. 12 Mei 2015 An overview of the Aloha House’s nursery and how it is run.