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  1. 12 Mei 2015 Appropriate methods for community-level seed saving. This talk discusses seed selection, cleaning, and storage.
  2. 03 Maret 2015 YAS Case Study:A presentation on YAS, a small farm resource center, as a case study in community development practices.
  3. 03 Maret 2015 An overview of appropriate seed saving techniques including selection, cleaning, and storage. This talk is in English.
  4. 03 Maret 2015
  5. 09 Februari 2016 Klub kebun sekolah dasar di Sekolah Internasional Dalat di Penang, Malaysia, mengulurkan bantuan bagi para pengungsi Rohingya dari Myanmar. Klub ini mengadakan pertemuan sekali seminggu untuk mempelajari tentang praktik-praktik berkebun yang baik dan prinsip di balik hidroponik. Para siswa tengah...
  6. "Pusat Dampak ECHO Asia (The ECHO Asia Impact Center) berupaya memperluas pelayanan ECHO untuk membantu mereka yang bekerja di tengah kalangan masyarakat miskin di Asia khususnya di bidang pertanian sehingga mereka menjadi lebih efektif. Pusat Dampak ECHO Asia utamanya berfungsi sebagai...
  7. 02 Februari 2016 An explanation of what vegetable grafting is, considerations that should be made, and step-by-step methods graft vegetables
  8. 02 Februari 2016 A reflection on the current situation concerning rural agriculture and community development in Myanmar, as well as some possible considerations for moving forward.
  9. The Myanmar Agriculture and Community Development Workshop was held February 2-5, 2016 inPyin Oo Lwin, outside of Mandalay Myanmar.
  10. 02 Februari 2016 The history and potential of utilizing green manure cover crops (GMCCs) in sustainable small-scale agriculture. In this talk, Dr. Win also shares Yezin’s research on the GMCC Gliricidia.