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  1. 03 Oktober 2017 The 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference will take place on October 3-6, 2017, in Chiang Mai, Thailand! Our conference theme "Improving Lives" expresses our desire to partner with you as we train, equip, and grow our network to impact the lives and livelihoods...
  2. 07 Februari 2017 The presentation will elaborate how to identify farmer motivators, preparations before and after selecting them, what is their expectations, how to work with them, building their capacity and confidence. Presenter : Chrispin Mirambo Is the Agronomist and community development professional with 19...
  3. 09 Februari 2017 Most of us are doing Community Development work whereby we want to see life-change to the people we serve and we also want to see the sustainability of our work...but the challenge is the approach and the attitudes we use towards Communities which at the end hinder success to our Community...
  4. 08 Februari 2017 The session will focus on highlighting and sharing with the participants the lessons learned from implementing two food security programs promoting CA principles in Central Kenya in the last 4-5 years. Even though we are starting to see positive results and identifying future potential of farmers...
  5. 20 April 2011 A sand dam provides a low-cost, low-tech and low maintenance water point with large payback in easily accessible water year round. Community ownership and involvement is integral in the introduction of a sand dam.
  6. The presentation will elaborate how to identify farmer motivators, preparations before and after selecting them, what is their expectations, how to work with them, building their capacity and confidence. Presenter :Chrispin Mirambo Is the Agronomist and community development professional with 19...
  7. Cette publication est le chapitre 1 de livre Options Agricoles pour les Agriculteurs de Petite Echelle est un livre rempli d'options pratiques pour ceux qui travaillent pour aider les petits agriculteurs et les jardiniers urbains dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales, dont beaucoup ont du...
  8. 06 Oktober 2015 Speaker Bio: Siem Sun is Cambodian. He was born in Banteay Meanchey province on the border to Thailand, so he is able to speak Thai. In 2008, he moved to Mondulkiri province in Northeastern Cambodia to work with HealthNet Inter- national and Health Unlimited. He has been working with...
  9. 06 Oktober 2015
  10. 06 Oktober 2015