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  1. 01 Januari 1977 This publication discusses all aspects of growing mung beans from climate, cultural management, weed control, pests and disease to harvesting and storage.
  2. 01 Januari 2003 The main conclusion of this thesis is that intercropping maize or sorghum with molasses grass does not enhance the foraging behaviour of stemborer parasitoids. The results provide insight as to whether habitat diversification can be used to enhance the effectiveness of the parasitoids against...
  3. 01 Januari 1971 This publication discusses how to grow sweet potatoes, the areas in the world where they are grown, and diseases of them.
  4. 01 Januari 1988 This publication lists all the infectious diseases and noninfectious disorders of the sweet potato. It includes symptoms, causal organism and disease cycles and pathogenesis.
  5. 07 Januari 1975 This bulletin has been prepared especially for home gardeners. It tells how to control insect and mite pests of deciduous fruits and tree nuts of the U.S. through methods that either exclude the use of insecticides or mimimize their use. 36 pages, illustrations, photos
  6. 01 Januari 1991 The scope of this book deals with trees and their associates throughout the world. The information is applicable to the arborist, landscape architect, nursery person, forester, urban forester, fruit grower, bonsai enthusiast, and all other people who care about trees.
  7. 19 Januari 1998 A series of Technical Notes on Tropical and Subropical Trees. Technical Note 4: Nursery Techniques for Tropical and Subtropical Pine Technical Note 9: Seed Extraction Technical Note 13: Tools For Harvesting Tree Fruits Technical Note 17: Seed Extraction Technical Note 18: The Use Of Small...