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  1. 28 Oktober 2014 Importance de la culture du haricot au Burundi: Au Burundi, le haricot est l’une des plus importantes cultures vivrières. Il est cultivée dans toutes les régions naturelles du pays. Aliment de base: le haricot est l’aliment le plus rencontré dans les plats familiaux des Burundais (omniprésent à...
  2. 28 Oktober 2014
  3. 28 Oktober 2014 Potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has more than doubled since 1994, with 70% growth in eastern Africa (FAO and CFC 2010). Despite these gains, on-farm potato yields in the region still short compared to their potential. Mostly due to a combination of inadequate supplies of...
  4. 28 Oktober 2014
  5. 28 Oktober 2014 While coming back, returnees are facing many challenges: Lack of shelter, Lack of food, Lack of the other items like cloths and houses materials, Lack of water and sanitation, Drop out school, Lack of employment Etc Working with returnees is helping them to meet these needs.
  6. From March 1-3, 2016 ECHO East Africa hosted a sumposium in Nanyuki, Kenya on Best Practices in Pastoralist Areas. This meeting's aims were to disscuss ways in whichtto reduce poverty, hunger and physical hardship by engaging pastoralists more effectively to adapt their pastoralist systems: to...
  7. 01 Maret 2016 The main theme for this is to highlight good animal production and reproduction systems that are greatly dependent on good animal welfare practices. It is also to inform that for trade in livestock production in the international markets are concerned to meet international animal standards....
  8. 02 Maret 2016 Session: The presentation details how African Beekeepers can use The Hive Business Model to build and sustain profitable beekeeping businesses using The Hive Beekeepers Starter Kit comprising of the CAB Hive uniquely made to meet the demands of the African bee and how this model completes the...
  9. 03 Maret 2016 Session: The presentation addresses key community approaches towards a balanced use of resources in the semi-arid district of Karamoja, Uganda.Natural resource conflict management can be realized by working towards a green economy, poverty eradication, and a sustainable food system. The strength...
  10. 01 Maret 2016 Session: Water filtration methods including use of Biosand Filters and Hollow Fiber Membrane filters Aqua Clara's entrepreneurial approach to providing safe water for all communities Training for other organization's to replicate the BSF and HF filters for their organization. Aqua Clara...