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  1. EdiblePortion: Pods, Fruit, Seeds, Tubers, Root, Stems - Gum, Vegetable A trailing or climbing plant. It is evergreen and shrubby. It can be 6 m long. It has a large tuberous root. This can be to a depthof 2.5 m. Young plant parts have rusty coloured hairs. The leaves are simple and almost round...
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit, Root, Rhizome, Tubers, Vegetable, Flowers A broad leafed plant with purple leaf sheaths. It is about 1.5 to 2.5 m high. It grows as a perennial. The stems are in clusters.The leaves are large and smooth. They are dark green but can be reddish in some varieties. The leaf...
  3. Edible Portion: Tuber, Roots, Corm, Leaves, Leaf Stalks, Vegetable A taro family plant but with a very divided leaf. It grows to 0.75-1 m high. It is a herbaceous plant with rough and mottled leafstalks. It has a straight stem and the leaf is divided into leaflets. The leaves can be 1 m in width....
  4. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Pods, Vegetable, Nuts An annual plant. It can either form a bunchy bush or be a trailing plant. Often the creeping stems are near ground level. It oftenappears as if bunched leaves arise from branched stems near ground level. It has a well developed taproot. The...
  5. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Tubers, Root, Pods, Vegetable A vigorous climbing vine. It is a herb that grows 1.5-2 m high. The leaves have 3 leaflets. They are 14 cm long and 5 cm wide. The flowers are pink, purple or greenish-white. They are 2.5 cm long. They are on stout stalks in the axils...
  6. Edible Portion:Seeds, Pods, Leaves, Flowers, Roots, Vegetable A climbing perennial bean up to 3 or 4 m tall. It can re-grow each year from the fattened roots. The stems twine around supportsor trail over the ground. The leaves have 3 leaflets. The leaf stalks are long. The leaflets are 8-15 cm...
  7. Edible Portion: Seeds, Pods, Leaves, Vegetable A short lived herb plant. A creeping plant with white or pink flowers. Plants can be 30 cm to 150 cm tall. It has a well developedtap root and many slender side roots. The stem is weak and round. Leaves are made up of 1-3 pairs of leaflets and a...
  8. EdiblePortion: Seeds, Young pods, Leaves, Vegetable An evergreen herb of shrub. It is a climbing vine. It climbs to 6 m high. It can re-grow each year or live for a few years. Thestems are slender with long, slender branches. They are very hairy when young. The leaves are alternate with sword...
  9. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Shoots, Pods, Seeds, Gum, Vegetable A herb. It is an upright bushy plant often only 1 m high. Some kinds grow 3 m high. The branches are stiff and usually withwhite hairs. The branches stick upwards and are angled and with grooves. The leaves are produced...
  10. Edible Portion:Seeds, Leaves, Pods, Sprouts, Vegetable An upright perennial shrubby legume. It lives for 3-4 years. They can be up to about 4 m tall and spreads to 1.5 m wide. Thestem is erect and branching. It has a bushy appearance. It has a strong deep taproot. The root nodules are round and...