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  1. Edible Portion:Fruit A small tree. It grows 3-4 m tall. The branches are angular and hairy. They are reddish. The leaves are papery and 4-10 cmlong. There are 8 pairs of secondary veins. The flowers occur singly. They are white and have a scent. The fruit are a mediumsize and yellow with soft...
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Cabbage, Sap, Palm Heart A fan palm. The trunk is 15-20 m tall and 35 cm across. The leaves form a round crown. The leaf stalk extends into the leafblade. The leaf stalk is 1-1.5 m long. The leaves are blue-green. The leaf segments are joined for about 1/3 of their...
  3. Edible Portion: Kernels, Fruit, Nuts, Vegetable, Leaves, Seed, Seeds - oil A shrub or tree. It grows 9 m high and spreads 6 m wide. It can be 15 m tall. It loses its leaves during the year. The crown isdense and rounded. The bark is grey and finely cracked. The leaves have leaflets along the...
  4. Edible Portion: Nuts, Cabbage, Fruit, Palm Heart A fan palm with a short trunk. Sometimes it is creeping or underground. It forms clumps and is prickly. The trunks are slim andcan be 3-6 m high. They are covered with fibres and leaf bases. The trunks can form branches, especially if the tip is...
  5. Edible Poriton:Fruit, Leaves, Vegetable Often a Golden apple tree grows to a large tree which can be up to 30 m high but is more often 15 m high in cultivation. It has atrunk 60 cm across which can have buttresses. The bark on the trunk of the tree is fairly smooth. The twigs break off easily.The...
  6. Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Leaves A medium sized tree. It grows 20-30 m high. The trunk can be 0.5-2 m across. Branches start after 10-15 m. They arewidespread and sparse. The leaves are compound. They have leaflets along the stalk. The leaflets are in pairs with a leaflet atthe end. There are...
  7. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Seeds, Nuts, Root A medium sized tree. It grows 4-10 m high. It has an irregular trunk and broad crown. Often it is low and sprawling. It loses itsleaves during the year. The leaves are made up of 5-12 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are 2-4 cm long and they fall...
  8. Edible Portion: Honey, Fruit A tall tree. It grows 40-60 m high. Large trees have big buttresses. The bark is grey with cracks along it. The crown is large andround. The leaves are compound with an even number of leaflets along the stalk. The leaves are bunched towards the ends ofthe branches....
  9. Edible Portion: Fruit, Palm Heart, Cabbage A tall robust palm. It has a single stem and feather leaves. It has a wide spreading crown due to dark green arching fronds buttheir is no crownshaft. Often there are a number of dead fronds hanging from the trunk. The trunk is grey and grows to 20 m...
  10. Edible Portion: Fruit An evergreen bush. It grows to 6 m high in the humid tropics. The leaves are dark green and elongated. Forms with differentleaf types are known. The leaves are alternate. The leaves are simple and entire and clustered near the tips of branches. Theleaf blade can be 5-10 cm...