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  1. 05 Agustus 2018
  2. Pendahuluan Sifat-sifat kimia, fisik, dan biologis tanah berkisar mulai dari yang sangat menguntungkan hingga yang sangat tidak menguntungkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Terutama di kawasan tropis – kita jarang menemukan tanah yang dalam keadaan alaminya memiliki semua sifat yang menguntungkan tanaman....
  3. 20 Januari 2015 The main objectives of The State of the World’s Soil Resources are: (a) to provide a global scientific assessment of current and projected soil conditions built on regional data analysis and expertise; (b) to explore the implications of these soil conditions for food security, climate change,...
  4. 13 Februari 2019 Session: Soil degradation and rapid change are faced across Africa, and require attention to both old and new technologies. Over two decades of action research with farmers in Malawi has shown that smallholder food production and nutrition can be improved through biological principles and...
  5. Fundamental principles which underlie successful farming and gardening and, more important still, our health. “Is our health related to the soil?” the author asks. Although this may seem a radical question, the author presents evidence in abundance to show how closely plant growth is tuned in...
  6. Abstract, Ecology and Society, 2016 General knowledge of the small, invisible, or hidden organisms that make soil one of the most biodiverse habitats on Earth is thought to be scarce, despite their importance in food systems and agricultural production. We provide the first worldwide review of...