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60 item ditemukan ( Menampilkan 1 - 10)
  1. Sims, Brian ; David Kahan ; Joseph Mpagalile ; et al. 140 pp : ill. [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] This manual is designed to help train actual and potential farm mechanization service providers, with the aim of increasing access to sustainable farm power and raising smallholder farmers' productivity. It focuses on the provision of farm...
    631.3 SIM
  2. Loconto, Allison Marie ; Jimenez, A ; Vandecandelaere, Emilie 197 pp. : ill. INRA Science & Impact [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] This book examines the emerging phenomenon of markets for “agroecological” products and asks two fundamental questions: (i) do they exist? and (ii) what forms do they take? Based on a meta-analysis of 12 case...
    658.8 LOC
  3. Neil Rowe-Miller and Putso Nyathi What is extension? Traditionally extension has been an approach where information from researchers has been transferred to farmers through extension personnel. The information flow in that case was top down (from researchers to farmers). The assumption was that farmers lack knowledge and hence...
  4. C Barlow et al Otoand Tigbauan, Iloilo. Topics include socioeconomic environment, historical technologies, labor, basic resources, and more. 110p. Index. References. 2 copies
    633.18 BAR
  5. Keith O. Mikkelson Copyright 2019 Keith Mikkelson – ECHO Asia Impact Center PDF available! CLICK HERE FOR OTHER TRANSLATIONS! Integrated livestock systems can provide many benefits. With careful planning and by starting small, most farmers will be able to incorporate cows, goats, chickens, or hogs and improve the...
    636 MIK
  6. Martin Price, Ph.D Most hunger and malnutrition around the world is not usually caused by a lack of food, although that may be changing. From the point of view of the hungry family, the cause is usually a lack of income sufficient to purchase the food. Anyone with enough income will be able to obtain food, except...
  7. Harry van den Burg 2 Copies Seed production and the maintenance of crop cultivars by small farmers is a subject that has attracted increasing attention over the past decade. The increasing dominance of large multinationals in the seed trade, the controversy over genetic engineering, and the recognition of farmersí...
    631.521 AGR
  8. Jeffrey D. Sachs A respected international economic advisor and the director of The Earth Institute shares a wide-spectrum theory about how to enable economic success throughout the world, identifying the different categories into which various nations fall in today's economy while posing solutions to top...
    339.4 SAC
  9. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  10. Toby Hemenway Second Edition The first edition of Gaia's Garden, sparked the imagination of Americas home gardeners, introducing permacultures central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition...
    635.048 HEM