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16 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Franklin W. Martin, Ruth M. Ruberte, Laura S. Meitzner Third Edition [library also has 2 copies of the 1975edition] People interested in tropical gardening or botany will find this an indispensable guide to several hundred species of plants with edible leaves. Leaves can provide high-quality food, and in the tropics, many are from perennials...
    581.632 MAR | PD.004, PD.015
  2. Price, Martin This is a collection of publications is designed to share some of ECHO's innovative gardening techniques including shallow bed gardening, hill culture, using cola cans in your soil mix, growing wick gardens, wading pool gardens, eave trough garden, and no-till garden. See also : Gardening on...
    999.999 ECH
  3. Price, Martin See also :Gardening on Rooftops & Other Above-Ground Locations, by Martin Price (2018) 11 pp : ill. Part of The ECHO Garden Hint Series --a collection of publications is designed to share some of ECHO's innovative gardening techniques including shallow bed gardening, hill culture, using cola...
    635.9671 PRI
  4. Price, Martin See alsoGardening on Rooftops & Other Above-Ground LocationsbyMartin Price (2018) 10pp : ill. Part of The ECHO Garden Hint Series --a collection of publications is designed to share some of ECHO's innovative gardening techniques including shallow bed gardening, hill culture, using cola cans...
    635.986 PRI
  5. C.C. de Guzman and J.S. Siemonsma (Editors) Prosea volume 13 'Spices' focuses on the aromatic plants and their parts, fresh or dried, whole or ground, that are primarily used to impart flavour and fragrance to foods and drinks. The volume is closely related to Prosea volume 19 'Essential-oil plants' that deals with aromatic plants whose...
  6. By Martin Price, Ph. D. Low cost, low technology, lightweight methods to produce food on rooftops and other locations above the ground.
  7. Martin Price, Ph.D Most hunger and malnutrition around the world is not usually caused by a lack of food, although that may be changing. From the point of view of the hungry family, the cause is usually a lack of income sufficient to purchase the food. Anyone with enough income will be able to obtain food, except...
  8. McCaffrey, Daniel 72 pp : ill. [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] Scripta Horticulturae Number 14 Horticulture has an image problem. Most people—when they think about horticulture at all—think of the subject in small terms, as merely a pastime synonymous with gardening. This misconception devalues one of...
    633 MCC
  9. George and Katy Abraham et al. This publication describes the different home garden vegetables and how to grow and harvest them. Problems in growing each vegetable are included.
    635. USD
  10. by Hunter, D; Monville-Oro, E.; Burgos, B.; Rogel, C.N.; Calub, B.; Gonsalves, J. and Lauridsen, N. (eds.) This book critically assesses the role of agrobiodiversity in school gardens and its contribution to diversifying diets, promoting healthy eating habits and improving nutrition among schoolchildren as well as other benefits relating to climate change adaptation, ecoliteracy and greening school...