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83 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  2. Key Resource 01/11/1987 This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...  
  3. Key Resource 01/01/1976 This Peace Corps book provides information on the challenges of grain storage including drying methods, insects, rodents, moisture meters, and waterproofing. No page numbers, illustrated 2 copies  
  4. Key Resource 01/04/2009 Second Edition The first edition of Gaia's Garden, sparked the imagination of Americas home gardeners, introducing permacultures central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition...  
  5. 19/10/1996 Beekeeping & Development,An "EDN" for Beekeepers Independent Study Course on Tropical Beekeeping Book Review:Beekeeping of the Assassin Bees/La Abeja Africanizada Is the Neem Tree Harmful to Honeybees? When Honeybees Become Drunk How do the Africans Handle African Bees? One Experience With...
  6. 19/10/1996 Book Review:Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture A Resource List from ATTRA Book Review:Extension and Education Materials for Sustainable Agriculture Book Review:Farming for the Future: An Introduction to Low-External Input and Sustainable Agriculture ILEIA...
  7. 19/10/1996 Newsletter on Animal Husbandry in the Third World Book Review:Livestock for a Small Earth Training in Animal Traction Technical Note on Ox Yokes An Excellent Resource for Forage Seed and Information Winrock International Answers Livestock Questions Working with Traditional Herders
  8. 20/10/2014 Worldwide, the number of insect pollinators has declined sharply in recent years. Beekeepers have experienced heavy loss of honey bee colonies; in the United States, the number of managed colonies is half of what it was sixty or seventy years ago (USDA). The number of wild pollinators has also...  
  9. 19/10/1996 Dry Fishponds Become Oases of Productivity Auburn University is Exceptionally Supportive of PVO Work in Aquaculture Consulting Help in Water Resource Management, Fisheries and Aquaculture New Bulletin Series: Water Harvesting and Aquaculture for Rural Development Book Review:How to Grow Fish in...
  10. ECHO Staff periodically review the books available in the Dugger Living Library on the Florida Campus. Some are noted as 'Key Resources' that are recommended to those seeking to focus on particular subject matter, particularly if they are on campusfor a brief time. ECHO Libraries are not lending...