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MissionAssist produces a wide range of adult literacy booklets in four widely used languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. They cover a range of subjects from health and hygiene to crafts, farming and practical issues like simple construction techniques. 

Books in English can be downloaded directly from this website, using the links on the pictures below; most books are available in the other languages and MissionAssist is currently revising the titles which are not yet translated into the other languages and uploading them as they become available.

If desired, MissionAssist can also supply them, free of charge, as MS Word files or in other ways (such as the use of CDs, DVDs or USB sticks). MissionAssist also accepts requests for producing specific booklets if nothing in the existing range meets your needs.

These are Shell Book titles in English relating to information and education.

64 Issues in this Publication (Showing 21 - 30) |

Tout sur les animaux Pieuvres

Il existe plus de 300 espèces de pieuvres et elles vivent dans tous les océans. Elles ont 8 membres munis de ventouses.

Écrit et illustré pour MissionAssist Cette édition a été publiée en Grande-Bretagne en 2024 par MissionAssist Copyright © 2024 MissionAssist La permission est accordée pour la reproduction et autres utilisations à but non-lucratif de ce matériel

From Bean to Bar

This book gives some interesting facts about chocolate, its origins, manufacturers and uses; plus a simple recipe for making chocolate chip cookies. 

Written and illustrated by MissionAssist This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2024 by MissionAssist Copyright © 2024 MissionAssist Permission is granted for non-profit reproduction and other use of the MissionAssist materials. 

Save the Storks! - 2024/07/28

This book describes the successful conservation efforts of Dr Purnima Devi Barman and her army of women helpers in bringing the Greater Adjutant Stork back from the brink of extinction in Assam, India. 

Written and illustrated for MissionAssist, using material freely available in the public domain.
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2024 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2024 MissionAssist

The Story of Apples: Past and Present - 2024/07/28

This book gives some facts about apples and their history. It also includes a simple method for making apple juice and a recipe for apple crumble.

Written and illustrated for MissionAssist It uses material freely available in the public domain. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2024 by MissionAssist Copyright © 2024 MissionAssist

How to Build a Bio-dyke - 2024/06/01

How to build a bio-dyke for protection against floods. This is a low-cost flood defence that not only protects adjacent fields but can produce additional crops across its own surface area.

This uses material from "Practical Action" with kind permission.
Illustrations by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

All About Animals - Owls - 2024/06/01

Owls live in every continent of the world except Antarctica. In Western cultures, the owl is supposed to be wise, but they are actually no cleverer than other birds.

Written and illustrated for MissionAssist This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2024 by MissionAssist Copyright © 2024 MissionAssist

Formation Continue: Livre 4 - 2024/06/01

Ce livre, le quatrième d'une série de quatre, se concentre sur le rôle d'un animateur dans la coordination du travail d'un groupe.

Autres livres de la série
Livre 1 : Une vue d'ensemble
Livre 2 : Formation en tête à tête
Livre 3 : Apprendre en groupe
Inspirée d'un article paru dans Footsteps 90, publication d’alphabétisation de Tear Fund, cette série de livres s'appuie également sur les idées de deux enseignants expérimentés qui travaillent aujourd'hui comme bénévoles pour MissionAssist.
Illustrations par MissionAssist
Cette édition a été publiée en Grande-Bretagne en 2024 par MissionAssist
Copyright © 20224 MissionAssist

Keeping Safe in the Internet - 2024/05/01

Cyber security is very important and this book gives some tips on how to keep safe while using the internet. 

Adapted from information freely available on the internet
Illustrations by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2023 MissionAssist