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Holistic Development is oriented towards the satisfaction of basic human needs, including: the need of God, food, love, housing, clothes, physical and mental health and a sense of human dignity. Furthermore, this approach takes into account that people are spiritual, social and bodily beings, made to live in relationship with God, with their neighbors and with creation. - adapted from  Lausanne Occasional Paper 33

  1. 2011/10/20
  2. Key Resource In a monumental and provocative presentation, Allan Savory addresses the question of why-despite universal efforts to halt "desertification"-land, air and water resources, along with many forms of plant and animal life, continue to deteriorate at an alarming rate throughout our planet....
  3. 2018/03/07 Practice andprinciples from tenyears on the ground in southern, central and northern Kenya
  4. 2015/11/17 A different type of intelligence is needed to address the complexity of our current world, Tre’ will discuss the connection between holism, faith, and the needed regeneration in our soils, souls, and society. Presenter: Tre’ is the COO/CFO of the Savory Institute in Boulder, Colorado. After...
  5. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 A different type of intelligence is needed to address the complexity of our current world, Tre’ will discuss the connection between holism, faith, and the needed regeneration in our soils, souls, and society. Presenter: Tre’ is the...
  6. 1992/10/19 Donkey power to the women Interviewing cows Policies promoting pastoralists Holistic resource management Livestock fertiliser factories Nutrient cycle Poultry in the backyard Animal traction Do-it-yourself vet services
  7. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Barick Leya