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Edible : Fruit

A shrub or small tree. It loses its leaves during the year. It grows 4-8 m tall. The bark is rough and grey. The branches are long, slender and drooping. Young branches are covered with hairs. The leaves are alternate. They are simple. The leaves are a broad oval or heart shape. They can be 20 cm long by 16 cm wide. The base is at an angle. They taper to the tip. The edges have coarse teeth. There are some hairs on the top of the leaf and a covering under the leaf. The leaf stalk is 1.5 cm long. The flowering stalks are in the axils of leaves. There are 3-5 stalks with 2-8 flowers clustered in groups. The flowers are yellow. The fruit are small and round and dark blue to almost black when ripe. They are about 2 cm across. They have indistinct lobes. The flesh is soft, fibrous and greenish-white stained a purplish-red. There are 1-2 half round seeds. These are 5 mm across.

A tropical plant. Plants can grow in tropical and subtropical conditions. They can stand temperatures of 44°C as well as light frosts. It can tolerate frost when dormant. They require a deep well drained soil with a pH of 5.5-7. They occur at low altitudes in the Philippines in Cagayan, Bataan and the Ilocos regions. It grows in dry and secondary dense forest. It can grow in humid and arid regions. It flowers and fruits best where there is a distinct wet and dry season. It needs a distinct winter and summer climate regime. It can grow on a range of soils but is sensitive to waterlogging. It grows on limestone soils. It can grow in arid places.

Common names : Baruian, Buttiyudippe, Co-ke-a, Darachi, Dhamin, Falsa, Goyalipala, Jana, Malai, Nallajana, Nhaab, Palisa, Parusha, Phalsa, Phalsi, Pharasakoli, Pharsa, Phutiki, Po tao hai, Pophlea thom, Pophlie, Sanjelhei, Shukri, Tadachi, Tadasala, Ya-khithut, Phalsa

Other Scientific Names

Microcos lateriflora L.;
Grewia hainesiana Hole;
Grewia paniculata Roxb.;
Grewia obtecta Wall. [Invalid];
Grewia subinaequalis DC.;
