1. 2017/09/08 Jonathan is a long time ECHO partner and shares a vision of using sound agricultural techniques to lift people up and produce abundance, and to serve as a witness of the Gospel. Many of the vegetables you see in the photo actually came from the ECHO Asia Seedbank in Thailand, and have...
  2. This collection contains nearly all of the presentations from the ECHO Asia "Improving Lives" Conference from 3-6 Oct 2017 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact ECHO Admin (echoasia@echonet.org).
  3. 2017/10/03 One of our most important roles as we work in rural communities is to train others so that knowledge and skills can be effectively passed on and learning continue. Top down, university-style lectures seldom incite passion in the learner in the same way that learner-centered self-discovery can. We...
  4. 2017/10/03 Soils of smallholder farmers are often depleted of organic matter and available soil nutrients, and may also be acidic and/or saline. We will review the causes and extent of these soil-related challenges in the developing world. A variety of possible management responses to these challenges will...
  5. 2017/10/04 The goal of silage preservation is the conversion of moist, chopped forage with a short storage life to preserved forage that can be fed to livestock as needed. Most legume and grass crops can be ensiled successfully. The key to good silage management is air exclusion to obtain the best...
  6. 2017/10/04 This session will look at the “best practices” of learning to learn from others and their experiences. In a world full of “techno-diddies,” as development workers, we often overlook the local knowledge and wisdom source of the very people and communities we are called to serve. How do we “put the...
  7. 2017/10/04 These days, many outstanding and special characteristics of local seeds, such as pest and disease resistance, have slowly become extinct, but people are not aware of it. Increasingly, farmers are buying their seeds from vendors instead of saving their own seeds. To help overcome this crisis, a...
  8. 2017/10/05 We produce food with a healthy relationship with nature. However, on March 11, 2011, an earthquake occured in Northeast Japan and the resulting sunami killed more than 18,000 people and it also crippled a nuclear power plant. As the nuclear plant exploded, our school was also contaminated by...
  9. 2017/10/05 Home garden interventions are one of few agricultural interventions with a proven effect on nutritional outcomes and potentially contribute to 8 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Despite a recent surge in interest, there remains a lack of knowledge about the most effective ways to...
  10. 2017/10/03 One of our most important roles as we work in rural communities is to train others so that knowledge and skills can be effectively passed on and learning continue. Top down, university-style lectures seldom incite passion in the learner in the same way that learner-centered self-discovery can. We...