1. 2017/03/01 In this Issue: Integrating Livestock and Conservation Agriculture Agriculture Value Chains and CA Programming Partner Profile: Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Dodoma Introducing Jean Twilingiyumukiza CATO Schedules
  2. 2018/12/01 Inside this Issue: Managing Livestock in CA Systems Managing Termites in Conservation Agriculture Partner Profile: Brethren in Christ Compassionate and Development Services Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules
  3. 2018/09/01 Inside this Issue: Conservation Agriculture with Vegetables Facilitation Methods for CA Promotion Partner Profile: Peace and Development Network - PDN/Rwanda Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules
  4. 2018/03/01 In this Issue: Demonstration Plots as an Extension Tool Fodder Production Complements CA Goals Partner Profile: African Christian Church and Schools Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules
  5. 2019/12/01 Inside this Issue: Conservation Agriculture with Trees Does Conservation Agriculture Reduce Labor Demands? Discussions from the Network ALTA Travel Schedules
  6. 2019/09/01 Inside this Issue: Soil Testing Strategies for Soil Health and Fertility The Role of Marketing: What Makes a Successful Project? Partner Profile: Terepeza Development Association, Ethiopia ALTA Travel Schedules
  7. 2019/06/01 Inside this Issue: FMNR Works Along-Side CA Principles Gender and Food Security Partner Profile: BAOBAB Organization in Chad Discussions from the Network ALTA Travel Schedules
  8. 2019/03/01 Inside this Issue: Lead Farmer Strategies for CA Promotion Benefits and Challenges of Intercropping Partner Profile: National Council of Churches in Kenya CA Travel Officer Schedules
  9. 2020/12/01 Inside this Issue: Cover Crops Bridge the Needs of Livestock and Soils Monitoring Agricultural Markets Partner Profile: The Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone Discussions from the Network
  10. 2020/09/01 Inside this Issue: Mechanization: A Key to Scaling up CA A Key to Scaling up CA Situation Assessments for Effective Food Security Programming Partner Profile: Church of Uganda, Nebbi Diocese Discussions from the Network