This book gives clear practical instruction on how to raise pigs for pork and bacon and for the meat manufacturing industries. The information will be useful to those engaged in pig farming at the subsistence level or on a larger scale as well as to students of animas husbandry.
Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science Swine It is believed that the majority of the breeds we now know are descended from the Eurasian Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). Archaeological evidence from the Middle East indicates domestication of the pig occurs as early as 9,000 years ago, with...
1975/01/01 This booklet is designed to help hog raisers spot health problems before they start. DIscussions about diseases are limited to what the grower can detect from careful observation of the animals in his herd, not from looking at postmortem specimens. 23 pages, illustrated, tables
Key Resource1991/01/01 Pigs details the characteristics and requirements of this livestock group, and how to raise and produce pigs in a variety of tropical zones and farming systems. Breeds, breeding, health,nutrition, housing,slaughtering and processing are all included. 150 pages, illustrated, photos CGSpace
2004/01/20 Pigs and pig keeping in one form or another can be found almost anywhere in the world. Especially of course in country areas it is common for communities to have pigs rooting and roaming freely around the dwellings, to be brought in one day as household needs require. Pig keeping enterprises are...
This book is a summary of the authors' experiences working with animal health and husbandry problems in Tonga. It is also an attempt to make information that is available in other parts of the world relevant to Tongan animal husbandry methods, in the Tongan environment and culture, and in English...
Raising the Homestead Hog is the first book to show just how feasible hog raising can be for the family with limited acreage and less than full time to devote to raising their own food. As more and more people are discovering, home-produced porkis not only a very economical source of animal...