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216 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Over 60% of Africans depend on some form of farming for their sustenance and livelihoods. Agriculture remains vital for the continent's development and economic growth. Recent stagnation or decline in farm productivity in many parts of Africa is a major concern. For many communities and...
    631.45 IIRR
  2. Roland Bunch Now available through Amazon as well as the ECHO Bookstore Smallholder farmers around the world face some of the harshest growing conditions globally, yet they produce the majority of the world’s food. Soils in these areas often lack nutrient and water holding capacities, due to erosion or poor...
    631.874 BUN
  3. Louise E. Buck, James P. Lassoie, Erick C.M. Fernanades (ed) A tool for developing and applying the science of agroforestry to problems of natural resources conservation and sustainable agricultural development, this book examines the environmental and social conditions that affect the roles and performance of trees in field- and forest-based agricultural...
    634.99 BUC
  4. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Sustainable Agriculture covers a wide range of topics: soil and water conservation, using organic matter to sustain soil fertility, pest management, cropping systems, livestock management, and many others. For agriculture to be sustainable, it must take into account not only the physical...
    630.96 IIR
  5. Ross C. Gutteridge, H.M. Shelton (ed) Tree legumes serve a multitude of purposes in agriculture and forestry, including forage for animal production, fuel wood and timber production, soil conservation and fertility improvement. Their role and potential is being increasingly recognized for both intensive and extensive agroforestry...
    633.309 GUT
  6. Jules N. Pretty For the past 50 years, the main goal of agriculture has been to increase production at any price, using high amounts of fertilizers and pesticides and intensive industrial methods. This has caused damage to the environment and widespread rural depopulation. This study shows that there is a viable...
    631.584 PRE
  7. Anil Agarwal & Sunita Narain Thiscomprehensiveandwell-illustrated presentation of India’s ancient water-harvesting systems highlights their potential for contributing to contemporary India’s development, especially with regard to irrigation and drinking water supply. It explains how the water-harvesting systems used in rural...
    628.140 AGA
  8. Simon Anderson et al Lessons learned in Latin America is about the use and dissemination of cover crops in different agroecosystems need to be made more widely available not only to Spanish speaking, but also Anglophone regions. This publication aims to inform a wide range of actors involved in rural development...
    631.452 AND
  9. Michael Turner This book provides an understanding of the technical and managerial aspects of seed production and supply with particular reference to tropical conditions, which are inherently more challenging than thsoe of temperate environments. Available as a French download.
    631.521 TUR