1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 For both farmers and researchers in the tropics, seed saving can be very frustrating. In Mondulkiri province, farmers are rarely able to keep seed for more than the six months between harvest and the new planting season. Seeds stored longer than this tend...
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #27 អតិសុខុមរាណឬមីររូសរីរាងគ រតូវានចរចអាយនិយមនយថជារបសមានជីវិតវដលតូេវមនវទនវដលវភនរមិនអាេចមើលច ើញ វដលមានដូេជា ពពួរផសិត ោរាយ និងារចតរី (ចៅ Rao, 1995) សរីរាងគដតូេទាំងចនះអាេរតូវានររច ើញចៅររបទីរវនលង ចៅរនុងទឹរ ខយល និងរនុងដី។ ចៅចលើរសិោាន េាំនួនអតិសុខុមរាណ ឬមីររូសរីរាង...
  3. ធនធានសំខាន់ This article is from ECHO Asia Note #27 សៅសពលដែលមានដែនការសាងសង បនទបររជាក ឬ បនទបទុកដាករាបពូជ សំរាបជាសាលបំណងននការដែររកាលទធភាពរបសរាបពូជ សគររូវពិចារណាជាែំបូងសៅសលើសាលការណសំខានសំរាបការទុកដាករាបពូជ។ សៅកនុងឯកសាកំណររារបសសេកូនអាសុីទីECHO Asia Note 14 (កកកដា ) សយើងានដចករំដលកលទធែលពីការសរបៀប ស ៀបមាាសុីនបូមខយល...
  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #26 ECHO Asia Impact Center staff members first heard about alternative herbicide recipes that use fermented papaya and pineapple from a retired technical school teacher and organic farmer, Kru Pratoom. As weeding is a big part of any farmer’s life, the Seed...
  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #26 Mr. Bunlom Taokaew is the son of rice farmers. He chose a career as a businessman after he finished school. Because he didn’t make enough of a living, he went into debt to the order of hundreds of thousands of baht. He borrowed money from his father, a...
  6. 14 មិថុនា 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 Wanpen’s roller planting marker was developed from her experience. When a problem occurred, she would alter and develop the tool according to the problem and rice variety. Wanpen’s tool was designed to be lightweight, easy to handle and convenient to use....
  7. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 SRI was first tried by farmers in Thailand over ten years ago. However, many farmers struggled to avoid trauma to the seedlings and to transplant young seedlings using human labor. Additionally, trying to draw lines (for even spacing of the transplants) was...
  8. 14 មិថុនា 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 This article contains diagrams of the SRI RollingMarker, Rotary Weeder, and Grass Cutter discussed in other articles from Echo Asia Note 21.
  9. 14 មិថុនា 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a promising rice-farming methodology that is able both to lower production costs—of seed, fertilizer, chemicals, and water—and to increase yield by enabling each rice plant to reach its full potential. However,...
  10. 08 មិថុនា 2017 Feed Options for Ruminants in the Tropics Creating a Low-Cost Seed Dryer for Local Seed Banks