Based on the immensely popular six-part BBC program that aired in the United States during the fall of 1995, this book offers what writer/filmmaker David Attenborough is best known for delivering: an intimate view of the natural world wherein a multitude of miniature dramas unfold. In the program...
21 ឧសភា 2010 What happens inside a seed after it is planted? How do plants reproduce and grow? What roles do minerals, air, and light play in the life of a plant? Still the most complete, compact, accessible introduction to the world of botany, this third edition included dazzling electron microscope photos...
If you cannot make it to the professional development classes at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, you can still download the materials to use in your classroom. Each course unitincludes handouts, resources, vocabulary lists, suggested homework activities, labs and other activities for the...
ធនធានសំខាន់01 មិថុនា 1961 In this study by FAO of the UN an attempt has been made to provide a world-wide review of some aspects of the production, control and distribution of seeds.
ធនធានសំខាន់01 សីហា 1990 A clear, nontechnical explanation of how plants work, and our bestselling book. It succeeds in explaining the complex processes of plant growth, functions, adaptation, responses, and reproduction in simple language. As the author intended, the gardener can come to understand a plant "from the...
ធនធានសំខាន់01 កញ្ញា 1976 This book is divided into 2 parts. Part I, by R.J. Garner, deals with the establishment and equipment of the nursery, the pots and other containers, the various methods of propagation and with the transplanting of the young plants. This part is well illustrated. Part II is written by various...
ធនធានសំខាន់01 មករា 1998 This book is divided into four parts - Part 1 explains what you need to keep a successful nursery. Part 2 describes propagation from seeds and Part 3 covers methods of vegetative propagation. Part 4 gives the best way to propagate 100 selected useful plants. 140 pages, illustrated
The aim ofJournal of Experimental Botany (JXB)is to publish papers that advance our understanding of plant biology. Original research should provide new information on fundamental processes or mechanisms including those underpinning the improvement of plants for the sustainable production of...
The primary objective in writing this t4ext is to provide a useful treatment of the families of vascular plants of North America., with special emphasis on the flora of the US. All families of the native species are treated in this book. This book is for students or person wanting to learn about...