1. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Barick Leya
  2. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Herry Kirimbai
  3. 19 តុលា 1992 Donkey power to the women Interviewing cows Policies promoting pastoralists Holistic resource management Livestock fertiliser factories Nutrient cycle Poultry in the backyard Animal traction Do-it-yourself vet services
  4. The findings and recommendations in this Toolkit were identified based on a meta-review of program evaluations and scholarly research in French and English, supplemented by a series of key informant interviews with program implementers. The Toolkit was validated through review by an Advisory...
  5. 20 ធ្នូ 2016 Listening to pastoralists Pastoral Parliament - a platform to be heard and seen Migrant shepherds sustain pastoralism in the Mediterannean Pastoralists' breeds represent generations of knowledge Pastoralist women have the capacity to lead Adapting traditional land goverance in Somalia...
  6. 01 មករា 1996 Este Material es el fruto de un proces de dialogo intercultural entre equipo pastoral de la forania el sierra y los pueblos mames y, mochos que la habitan. Proceso que tiene raices profundas de trabajo, sacrificio y esfuerzo alegre de muchos agentes, yobispos que durante anos contribuyeron a...
  7. This guide constitutes a tool intended for actors on the ground in Niger. It aims to contribute to the improvement of pastoral land governance and in particular to the prevention and resolution of conflicts and to the development of inclusive consultation processes. The guide is unique because it...
  8. Dioli, M. Observation on dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) welfare and husbandry practices among nomadic pastoralists.Pastoralism12,7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13570-021-00221-5 Abstract Animal welfare is an important topic for consideration within every livestock husbandry sector. Welfare...