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Some 3 billion people in the world live outside the cash economy in the world’s poorest nations. Food security and regular supply are their daily concerns. Chronic malnutrition is a leading cause of death and disease for them. Young children are amongst the most affected. One child every 5-10 seconds dies from undernutrition. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness for someone every minute. Most people in tropical and subtropical countries are iron deficient.

Our goal is to provide information that enables people to choose the right plant for their environment, to give them stable food production and a greater choice of plants to enrich their diets and improve their nutritional wellbeing.

The plant fact sheets listed in this collection are only a small portion of those available from FPI.   Please check your plant inquiries in the ECHO Search and reference the FPI plant database for further information.

Most of the plants selected to list here are further described in country-specific publications by Food Plant Solutions (FPS in the Search).


8000 Starchy Staples

7000 Legumes

6000 Leafy Greens

5000 Fruits

4000 Vegetables

3000 Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, and other foods


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Alternanthera sessilis

Edible: Leaves, Flowers, Shoots, Vegetable

A low lying and spreading herb which has many branches. It continues to grow from year to year. It has a strong taproot. The stem and branches are up to 60-100 cm long and near the ends there are 2 lines of hairs along the stem. The leaves are smooth and attached to the stem without a stalk. They are opposite. The leaves are 1-10 cm long and 0.2-2 cm wide. The flowers heads are white and 5 to 7 mm long. They grow along the plant and do not have flower stalks. It flowers all year round. The fruit are oval and compressed on the side. The seed is about 1.5 cm across. When plants are growing in water the stems become hollow and the plants float.

A tropical plant. It grows in the lowlands and the highlands. It occurs in most tropical places. It is best in humid places. It is common in waste land at low and medium altitudes in the Philippines. It grows in open moist places from sea level to 2,000 m in Papua New Guinea. In Fiji it grows from sea level to 500 m. In Nepal it grows to 2400 m altitude. It can grow in arid places. It is best in alkaline soil. It can grow in seasonally water logged soils and near rivers and ditches. It grows in wetlands. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Lotus-seed Herb, Joyweed,  Aankhle jhar, Achoukpa, Agoman, Anambalaza, Anamalaza, Anambararata, Angone soppu, Atakuluesuan, Bayam tanah, Bayang krema, Bayem keremah, Bhringi jhaar, Bhringisag, Bocha, Bunga-bunga, Chakai-saranch, Chanchi, Chhenchi shak, Chibonchi, Chuk-tsit-tsoi, Dhwgong jile, Dwarf cooperleaf, E luo er la, Felikavola, Gamudi-sag, Gandi buti, Ganthiyu, Garundi arak, Gathni (Girni) sag, Geluti, Ghandugli, Giojihra, Gomi, Guinedene, Gundri sag, Gundru arxa, Guru-bhaji, Gwe, Ha-galdeb, Honagone soppu, Honogone sopu, Houngba, Houngbe, Ide, Imbuya, Jalajambe, Jibhkati, Jié jié huā, Kagama, Kalam sago, Kanchari, Kanchuri, Kanshinda, Keremek, Keremak, Kermak bukit, Khenchisak, Kindumbu, Kodukkachoppu, Koduppai keerai, Kozhuppa, Kuang kua, Lian zi cao, Lupo-lupo, Madanaganti, Madaranga, Matala, Mathi galdeb, Matikaduri, Minnamkkanni, Mkoswe, Mokunnu-wanna, Mucunuwenna, Mukunuwanna, Muti (Moti) sag, Ndumbwa, Nghate-ril, Nunia saag, Nunia shak, Pa biu, Pa lin, Pak-ped-nam, Paninibheju, Patang oying, Patur, Pazun-sar, Periquito-sessil, Phakchet, Phak kan tan, Phol-saranchi, Pokaty, Ponagani, Ponanganni, Ponangkanni, Ponnaganti, Ponnagantikura, Ponnankanni, Poonanghucunny keeray, Pounanganni, Pudoh, Pulagati kura, Racaba, Rau deu, Rau diep dai, Resang-mama, Salanchi-sak, Salanti, Sanchi shak, Saranchi sag, Saronchi, Sessile joyweed, Shalincha, Shanti shak, Taka ndumbu, Tandaleya, Tebetebe, Teta ndamba, Teta ndumbu, Tolod, Tomadohoungbem, Tshifumbe, Tsiataolana, U-tokreng, Vozane


Achyranthes linearifolia Sw. ex Wikstr.;
Achyranthes sessilis (L.) Besser;
Achyranthes sessilis Steud. ex Standl.;
Achyranthes triandra Roxb.;
Achyranthes villosa Blanco;
Allaganthera forskalii Mart.;
Allaganthera forskaolei Mart.;
Alternanthera achyranthoides Hiern;
Alternanthera achyranthoides Forssk.;
Alternanthera angustifolia R. Br.;
Alternanthera denticulata R.Br.;
Alternanthera ficoides P. Beauv.;
Alternanthera glabra Moq.;
Alternanthera major (Benth.) Domin;
Alternanthera nana R. Br.;
Alternanthera nodiflora R. Br.;
Alternanthera polygonoides (L.) R. Br. ex Sweet;
Alternanthera prostrata D. Don;
Alternanthera repens J. F. Gmel.;
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br.;
Alternanthera sibirica (De Vest ex Roem. & Schult.) Steud.;
Alternanthera tenuissima Suess.;
Alternanthera triandra Lam.;
Alternanthera uliginosa (Domin) Dinter;
Gomphrena brasiliensis Moq.;
Gomphrena polygonoides L.;
Gomphrena sessilis L.;
Illecebrum angustifolium Spreng.;
Illecebrum denticulatum Spreng.;
Illecebrum glabrum Spreng. ex Moq.;
Illecebrum indicum Houtt..;
Illecebrum nanum Spreng.;
Illicebrum sessile L.;
Paronychia dubia Moq.;
and some others
Telanthera amoona Regel

Amaranthus spinosus

Edible: Leaves, Seeds, Vegetable, Flowers, Leaves - tea

An annual plant 60 -100 cm high. It can be erect or lie over. The stems can be nearly round or they can be angular. The plant branches from the base upwards. Leaves are fairly smooth or hairless but can be tinged purple. The leaf stalk can be 0.5-10 cm long. The leaf blade is oval or sword shaped and 2-7 cm long by 0.6-3 cm wide. There can be a short tip at the top end and gradually tapering to the base. Flower clusters occur at the sides and these can be single or arranged in compound spikes. The flower clusters at the top can be 3-10 cm long. The top flowers often droop over. Parts of the flowers in the clusters of the leaves form spines. These are very sharp. They can be 0.5-2 cm long. The upper flowers are male and the lower flowers are female. The seed are 1-1.2 mm across and flattened.

A tropical plant. It occurs world wide from the tropics to the warm temperate zone. It can grow in sun or light shade. In Nepal it grows to 1500 m altitude. In Tanzania it grows from sea level to 1,800 m above sea level and in areas with 800-1,300 mm rainfall. It grows well in moist, damp soil. It grows in wetlands. It can grow in arid places. In Argentina it grows up to 1,000 m above sea level. Tasmania Herbarium. In Yunnan. It grows in Sichuan.

Common Names: Prickly amaranth, Spiny Pigweed, Accho aadar arxa, Alehou, Amugnaeder, Anampatsa, Anampatsy, Anatsilo, Araikeerai, Ataco espinudo, Ayntoto, Bandani, Ban lunde, Batto, Bawngeh tehlian, Bayam duri, Bayambang, Bayem berdooree, Boro-boro, Bredo, Bukut, Busa, Bwache, Bwasi, Caruru-chifre-de-espinho, Chalwairay, Chauli, Chalvery, Chengkruk, Chlwae, Cholai, Chulai, Ci xian, Dasy, Den gai, Ghadah, Djambo, Doodo ow' maggwa, Doodo y'amahwa, Epinard, Erra-mulu-goranta, Felipatika, Gai hen lu, Ganhar, Ghanp chalwae, Ghinyar, Gu, Gulee, Harum, Hatikhutura, Hin-nu-nwe-subauk, Huisquilete, Imbuya batfwa, Isukjaroi, Janum arak, Junum ara, Kale-math, Kalunai, Kandelatte, Kande lundo, Kanta bhaji, Kanta-chulai, Kanta khudra, Kanta khuria, Kantalomatnu, Kanta-maris, Kanta-nati, Kanta notay shak, Kanta-notiya, Kanta-nutia, Katanotey, Kantanu-dant, Kanteli, Kantelichulai, Kantemoth, Kata khutura, Kataili chaulai, Kalga, Katakailpha, Kate-math, Kateli chauli, Kateri math, Katili chaurai, Katili chourai, Katu tampala, Kau chua, Khutra, Khutuka, Kilitis, Kolitis, Konjel, Kraroen, Kuantong, Kudumfisa, Kuduna, Kuil rakha, Kulitis, Kuttuila, Lal sag, Len-hling, Lifweni, Losigiria, Lude, Lunde, Lunde-kaada, Maka kraroen, Mandeleni, Marshi, Matbhaji, Mate, Math bhaji, Mattu-mullen-keera, Mboya, Mbuya, Mchicha pori, Mowa danga, Mullancheera, Mullu dagu, Mullu harive soppu, Mullukkeerai, Mullu kura, Mullu-thorta-kora, Mulluk-kirai, Mulugoranta, Mundla-tota-kura, Nalla-doggali, Needle burr, Nkona mutwe, Obuga-okuta, Pa hong nan, Pakat, Phak hom nam, Prickly calalue, Ptebanla, Puchu panya, Ranjaka, Rau dien gai, Sa bie, Sagourou, Sarmay, Serepelele, Sogbe, Spiny amaranth, Surkh gunahr, Tanguliya, Tete ounon, Tete ve, Thorny amaranth, Tilitis, Tshinyameila, Uray, Vai me hna, Wark, Warko, Wo zu wo niu, Yantoto, Yarin


Amaranthus spinosus var. several


Amomum villosum

Edible: Shoots, fruit, Spice

A ginger family herb. It grows 1.5-3 m tall. The rhizomes are above ground and covered with a scale like sheath. The leaves do not have leaf stalks. The leaves are 25-35 cm long by 3-7 cm wide. The capsule is purple, green or brown. They are 1.5-2 cm long and 1.2-2 cm wide. They have soft spines. The seeds are angled and have a strong scent.

Possibly now Wurfbainia villosa (Lour.) Skornick. & A. D. Poulsen

It is a subtropical plant. In Southern China it grows between 600-800 m above sea level.

Common Names: Malabar cardamom, Tavoy cardamom, Mang nian, Sha ren


Amomum echinosphaera K. Schum.;
Cardamomum villosum (Lour.) Kuntze;
Elettaria villosa (Lour.) Miq.;
Zingiber villosum (Lour.) Stokes;

Anaphalis margaritacea

Edible: Leaves

A perennial daisy family herb. It grows 80-100 cm high and spreads 40-60 cm wide. The leaves are grey-green above and have white hairs underneath. The leaves are 7-13 cm long by 2 cm wide. The edges are wavy. The flower heads are 11 mm across. The flowers are clustered. These are 15 cm across. The fruit is a dry warty achene.

A temperate plant. It grows in open woods. It grows in shady slopes in Pakistan between 700-1,300 m above sea level. It can tolerate drought and frost. In China it grows in pine forests and in dry soils and sub-alpine meadows between 300-3,400 m above sea level. It suits hardiness zones 3-9. In Sichuan and Yunnan.

Common Names: Western pearly everlasting, Bukiphool, Mačje tačke, Qing ming cai


Anaphalis cinnamomea (DC.) C. B. Clarke;
Anaphalis timmua D. Don;
Antennaria cinnamomea DC.;
Gnaphalium margaritaceum L.

Andrographis paniculata

Edible: Leaves, Vegetable, Stem

A herb. It grows 50 cm tall. It grows each year from seed. The stems are 4 angled and much branched. The leaves are oval and 2-7 cm long by 1-3 cm wide. They are pale green underneath. The flowers are at the top of the plant. They are tube shaped. They are white and there are purple dots on the lower lip.

It is a tropical and subtropical plant. In XTBG Yunnan.

Common Names: King of bitters, Bhuienimb, Bhuin, Chirota, Kaalmedh, Kadukirayata, Kalomegh, Kariyat, Neemba, Sambiloto, Sega-gyi, Se-khar-gyi


Andrographis paniculata var. glandulosa Trimen;
Justicia paniculata Burm.f.;


Anethum graveolens

Edible: Leaves, Seeds, Fruit, Herb, Spice, Vegetable

A fine leafy herb up to about 1 m tall. It can spread 50 cm across. It is an annual plant regrowing each year from seeds. The root is long and wiry. The stems of the plant are smooth, dark green and with pale stripes. They are finely grooved and hollow. The leaves are bluish-green and like a feather. They can be 35 cm long. The leaves are twice divided and have a sheath wrapping around the stem at the base. The small leaflets are like threads. Flowers are yellow and in flat compound arrangements where flowers are on stalks coming from one point. These flower arrangements can be 9 cm across. The fruit are oval one seeded dry ribbed fruits. Plants have an aniseed scent. The fruit are 1.5 times as long as wide. There are several named cultivars.

It is a temperate plant. It is suited to shady places but does best in sunny positions. It is easily damaged by wind. It is frost resistant but drought tender. It needs moist, well drained, humus rich soil. In hot weather it produces flowers quickly. It is best with temperatures of 16-18°C. A pH of 5.6-6.5 is best. It grows below 1,900 m above sea level. It can grow in arid places. It suits hardiness zones 8-10. In Sichuan.

Common Names: Dill, Adas china, Adas manis, Adas sowa, Anis aleman, Anithi, Baqdonis, Besbes arbi, Dercotu, Dereotu, Ender, Enduro, Eneldo, Koperek, Krapai, Krapus, Krop, Lubicha, Masala, Navadni koper, Phak chee lao, Phak si, Satapashpi, Shepi, Sowa arxa, Soya, Suwa, Tereotu, Ukrop, Yabani dere otu, Zanrkay


Anethum sowa Roxb.;
Angelica graveolens (L.) Steud.;
Peucedanum graveolens (L.) Hiern.;
Peucedanum sowa Kurz.;
and others

Anisocampium niponicum

Edible: Leaves, Fronds

A fern. The rhizome is creeping. It grows 30-45 cm high and spreads 50-60 cm wide. The fronds arise individually from this rhizome. It is 30 cm high. The fronds are coarsely divided and green. Their stems are yellow.

It is hardy in cool climates. It needs a well drained soil rich in organic matter. It needs a sheltered position. It suits hardiness zones 3-6.

Common Names: Painted fern


Asplenium niponicum Mett.;
Asplenium uropteron Miq.;
Athyrium biondii Christ;
Athyrium fissum Christ;
Athyrium niponicum (Mett.) Hance;
Athyrium uropteron (Miq.) C. Chr.;
Athyrium yunnanense Christ;

Antidesma ghaesembilla

Edible: Fruit, Leaves as condiment, Spice, Leaves

A stout and erect tree. It grows 3-8 m tall and spreads 2-4 m across. The trunk is covered with chalky yellowish brown bark. It is rough and mottled. The timber is light coloured and hard. The young branches and new leaves have woolly hairs. The tree loses its leaves during the dry season. The leaves are 3-7.5 cm long by 2-3 cm wide. They are broadly oval with a blunt tip. The leaves are thinly textured and shiny on the upper surface but paler underneath. The leaves are numerous. The flowers are numerous and densely clustered. Male and female flowers occur on separate trees. The male flower spikes are 2.5-5 cm long and the female flowers are on short thick stalks at the ends of branches. The individual flowers are very small and about 1-2 mm long. The fruit are small, oval and fleshy. They are 0.4-0.6 cm long and purple when ripe. The fruit are edible.

A tropical plant. They are common at low and medium altitudes throughout the islands of the Philippines. It grows to 120 m altitude in Malaysia. In Australia they grow in the north in open vine forest. In Vietnam it grows along riverbanks.

Common Name: Black currant tree, Alimpunga, Anti, Amtua, Ande-ande, Andjurlukkumarlba, Arosep, Binayuyu, Byechin, Byisin, Chipli, Dangkep k'dam, Dempul, Dongkeabkdam, Elena, Gucheh, Gucil, Gunchek, Gunchiak, Heloch, Inyam, Jamula, Janjharli, Janupulisaru, Jhondri, Jondhurli, Kakapal, Kenyan, Khatua, Khudi jamb, Kinbalin, Kotia heloch, Kunchir, Mai-mao, Majjige hannu, Mao khai pla, Mata sure, Mikhan-tenga, Ntenren, Nuniare, Onyam, Pirliming, Pod-pod, Pullampurasigida, Pyisin, Sepat, Theng-merok-arong, Tubo-tubo, Umtao, Umtoa, Warranuwa, Yangu


Antidesma frutescens Jack;

Vigna unguiculata

Edible : Seeds, Leaves, Pods, Tuberous root, Vegetable, Tuber,

A creeping bean type plant with straight firm pods. Both cover crop types (leafy) and grain types occur. There is a deep tap root and many branches occur from it in the surface of the soil. The root nodules are large and round. They can be 5 mm across. The leaves have 3 leaflets. The end leaflet can be 12-16 cm long. This leaflet is larger than the side leaflets. The side leaflets are assymetrical. The stipules at the base of the leaf are large and with spurs at their base. Flowers occur often in pairs on the end of long flowering shoots. This stalk can be 2 cm to 30 cm long. Only 2-4 flowers in each stalk produce pods. Flowers are white, yellow or blue. They are large and showy. The standard petal is 2-3 cm across. The pods are about 15 cm long. The seeds are white except for a dark scar.

It grows in tropical and subtropical climates. It grows from sea level to 1800 metres altitude in the tropics. In Ethiopia it grows between 500-2,000 m above sea level. Plants can stand high temperatures. Some kinds can tolerate drought. They are sensitive to cold and killed by frost. Plants germinate with a temperature between 11.5-15.5°C. The best growth is between 20-35°C. They can grow on a range of soils providing they are well drained. They are a short day plant. They do well in the semiarid tropics. It will not tolerate acid or alkaline soils. It grows in areas with an annual rainfall between 280-410 mm. It can grow in arid places. It can tolerate shade so is good for inter-cropping.

Common names : Cowpea, Black-eyed pea, Adenguare, Agwa, Akara-binch, Akedi, Akitereku ase, Amuli, Asedua kokoo, Atidua, Barbati, Be-hlawi, Belawi, Beloi, Besei, Birijori, Black eye pea, Black-eyed bean, Bodi, Bojo, Boo, Bora bean, Bori, Caspi chiclayo, Caupi, Dau den, Daun talak, Dau-trang, Dinaba, Dinawa, Dolique a oeil noir, Dunguri, Eboo, Eggobe, Ekiyindiru, E-lel, Enkoole, Ere, Ewa, Ewe, Feijao-macanha, Fore-metan, Frejol, Frijol de vaca, Gahat, Imare, Imbumba, Indumba, Iniangu, Jiang dou, Kacang merah, Karnikara, Kaspi purutu, Kattukanam, Kelege kelegete, Kollu, Kuerbse, Kunde, Laputu, Likote, Madan bean, Manawa, Mandala, Mazi bori, Mbwenge, Mkunde, Mole, Mpindi, Mugobiswa, Muma kiore, Munaoa, Munawa, muNyemba, Mwende, Ngor, Nhebe-limboncadje, Nhebe-limboque, Niaw, Niebe, Nkasa, Nsili, Nthooko, Nyawa, Nyemba, Nyebe, Nyele, Nzooko, Obo, Obo alwala, Omugobe, Peanut bean, Pini, Sasage, Sbaithai, Seb, Shirshira, Sosso, Tau kok, Tchaasse, Te bin, Thua pum, Tindlubu, Tinhlumayo, Titoun'ti, Tnainyeritonn'te, Towo, Vainita, Verdura, Wake, Wakei, Watalo-binch, Yoo,

Synonyms :

Dolichos biflorus L.;
Dolichos catjang Burm.f.;
Dolichos hastifolius Schintzl.;
Dolichos lubia Forsskal;
Dolichos melanophtalmus DC.;
Dolichos monachalis Brot.;
Dolichos obliquifolius Schintzl.;
Dolichos sesquipedalis L.
Dolichos sinensis L.;
Dolichos tranquebaricus Jacq.;
Dolichos unguiculatus L.;
Lieberechtsia scabra De Wild.;
Phaseolus cylindricus L.;
Phaseolus sphaerospermus L.;
Phaseolus unguiculatus (L.) Piper;
Vigna brachycalyx Baker. f.;
Vigna catjang (Burm. f.) Walp.;
Vigna cilindrica (L.) Skeels;
Vigna scabra (De Willd.) T. Durand & H. Durand;
Vigna scabrida Burtt. Davy;
Vigna sinensis (Linn.) Savi ex Hassk.;
[or Vigna unguiculata Unguiculata Group]

Arctium lappa

Edible: Seeds, Roots, Leaves, Flower stalk, Vegetable

A tall growing herb or shrub which takes two years from planting to flower and seed production. Plants can be 2 m tall. The plant forms a clump of very large, grey-green wavy-edged leaves. The leaves can be 50 cm long. The leaves and stems are covered with fine hairs. The leaves are paler underneath. In the second year a tall branched flower stalk 2 m tall grows from the centre of the clump. There are many flowers which are small and purple or white. They have a bract around them that is longer than the flower. The fruit is a spiky seed pod. This burr attaches itself to clothes. The burdock roots are long and slender and resemble parsnips. They can be a metre long and 3 cm wide. The skin is brown and the flesh is white.

It can grow in temperate regions but also in warm and humid places. In frosty places leaves will die back but plants will re-shoot from the roots. They need full sun and good drainage. They do best in soils with a pH of 6.5-7.5. It does not grow well in acid soils. Too much nitrogen fertiliser causes forking of the roots. They grow in Nepal at 2000 to 3600 m altitude in moist open places. It grows in wetlands. It grows in Sichuan. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Burdock, Beggar's buttons, Edible burdock, Baomujicigen, Bojtorjan, Cicak, Clotbur, Cuckold, Dzirkhvena, Elaba, Gobo, Harlock, Kratuk, Kurya, Lopuch, Lopukh, Navadni repinec, Ngao pong, Niu pang, Niu bang zi, Purchukli, Repuh, Seta-kina, Storborre, Ueong, Uong


Arctium edule (Siebold ex Miq.) Nakai;
Arctium majus Bernh.
Lappa edulis Siebold ex Miq.;
Lappa major Gaertn.;
Lappa officinalis All.