ಈ Publication Issue ನಿಮ್ಮ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ, ರಲ್ಲಿ ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ: English (en),
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Edible: Leaves, Stems, Flowers, Seeds, Vegetable

An annual herb eaten at the seedling stage when it is not more than 20 cm high. It has many branches and grows 2 m tall. Leaves are succulent with a light silvery tinge and broadly serrated edges. There are a range of variations in leaf size and shape. They can be toothed or deeply indented. The flowers are golden. They are produced in large numbers. There are several cultivated varieties.

There have been some attempts to preserve the name Chrysanthemum coronarium

A Mediterranean climate plant. It can grow in dry soils. It can grow in arid places.

Common Names: Chrysanthemum greens, Crown daisy, Babrisak, Bagaur, Basum, Busbas, Cay cuc, Chamanti, Chandramallika, Chopsuey greens, Crown daisy, Ciuri di cacamaiu, Dallama, Garland chrysanthemum, Gul-chini, Guldaudi, Gulechini, Gulesvati, Japanese greens, Khee kwai, Kikuna, Kra djaja, Mojino amarillo, Ong hao, Phak tang o, Phakkhikhwai, Rjel djaja, Saruni walanda, Seoti, Shamantippu, Shevanti, Shevantika, Shungiku, Sookgat, Ssukka, Sungiku, Tango, Tang-Oh, Tong Hao, Tong-Mo, Tongho, Tung ho, Tursiphal, Zaenil


Buphthalmum oleraceum Lour.;
Chamaemelum coronarium (L.) E. H. L. Krause;
Chrysanthemum breviradiatum Hort. ex DC.;
Chrysanthemum coronarium L.;
Chrysanthemum coronarium var. concolor Batt.;
Chrysanthemum coronarium subsp. coronarium;
Chrysanthemum coronarium var. coronarium;
Chrysanthemum coronarium var. discolor d'Urv.;
Chrysanthemum coronarium subsp. discolor (d’Urv.) Rech.f.;
Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey;
Chrysanthemum coronarium var. subdiscolor Maire;
Chrysanthemum coronatum Dum.Cours. [Illegitimate];
Chrysanthemum merinoanum Pau;
Chrysanthemum roxburghii Desf. ex Cass.;
Chrysanthemum senecioides Dunal ex DC.;
Chrysanthemum spatiosum (L.H.Bailey) L. H. Bailey;
Chrysanthemum speciosum Brouss. ex Pers.;
Dendranthema coronarium (L.) M. R. Almeida;
Glebionis coronaria (L.) Tzvelev;
Glebionis coronaria var. coronaria;
Glebionis coronaria var. discolor (d'Urv.) Turland;
Glebionis roxburghii (Desf. ex Cass.) Tzvelev [Illegitimate];
Matricaria coronaria (L.) Desr.;
Pinardia coronaria (L.) Less.;
Pinardia roxburghii (Desf. ex Cass.) Less.;
Pyrethrum indicum Roxb.;
Pyrethrum roxburghii Desf.;
Xanthophthalmum coronarium (L.) P. D. Sell;
Xanthophthalmum coronarium (L.) Trehane ex Cullen;

Chrysanthemum segatum;
Glebionis coronaria (L.) Tzvelev;
Tanacetum coronarium; ?