The sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas, morning-glory family, Convolvulaceae) is an enlarged storage root that comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Varieties, particularly those used for market use, are classified as “dry-fleshed” or “moist-fleshed,” according to the feel sensation experienced...
The terms “sweet potato” and “yam” are often used interchangeably; however, they are actually two entirely different crops. Only sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are grown in the U.S.; yams (Dioscorea spp.) are grown in the Caribbean and many other tropical areas.
Sweet Potato is a dicotyledonous plant belonging to the family convolvulaceae. It is a perennial vine adaptable to different agro-ecological zones. It is widely grown on a small scale mainly in subsistence farming. The tubers are a rich source of the flavonoid anti-oxidants, vitamin A, dietary...
Over the years the production of Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) as a commercial crop in Zimbabwe has been increasing due to its numerous advantages as compared to other root and tuber crops. The crop has minimal input requirements yet yields highly. Sweet potatoes store well and can be a famine...
This book is a partial output of a project entitled "Production and provision of pathogen-free, high quality sweet potato seed-stock for small holder farmers in Hwedza and Nuhera Districts" (ZBF 0009815) funded by the Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe (BTZ).
Tomatoes are a favourite vegetable for most farmers. They don't require much space, produce a high value for the small amount of space and are a consumer favourite. They do however present a number of challenges for even the most experienced open-field grower. These range from wildly fluctuating...