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  1. 2021/12/16 It is estimated that drylands occupy 40% of the earth’s surface.Drylands are regions where the average annual precipitation is less than 65% of the average annual potential evapotranspiration (an Aridity Index of < 0.65). The FAO Aridity Index is defined as a 30 year average of annual...
  2. 1998/05/19 A conversation concerning the difficulty of obtaining mulch in semi-arid areas.
  3. 2006/10/20 The best semi-arid environments only produce maize in 6 years out of 10.
  4. 1998/08/19 The seed of some fifty Australian dry-zone acacia species are a traditional food of Australian Aboriginal people. In Australia they have not been domesticated and until recently have had a low status as “outback bush plants.”
  5. The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is an international non-profit organization that undertakes scientific research for development.
  6. Thomas, Richard & El Dessougi, Hanadi & Tubeileh, Ashraf. (2006). Soil System Management Under Arid and Semi-Arid Conditions. 10.1201/9781420017113.ch4. Soil fertility in systems under arid and semi-arid conditions, hereafter referred to as dry areas or drylands, is constrained by...
  7. 2018/08/08 Session: Pastoralist livestock convert low quality feed into high quality proteins with essential amino acids that cannot be sourced from plants. Large parts of the world are not arable as they are too dry or steep or too cold or too hot for successful cultivation. However, they can still used...
  8. The following pages are an illustrated selection of some of the edible plants growing in arid areas in Africa. Unfortunately for many others I do not have photographs. For details about the plants check the Food Plants International database available on line at: www.foodplantsinternational.com