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Alzarah, M.I.; Althobiati, F.; Abbas, A.O.; Mehaisen, G.M.K.; Kamel, N.N. Citrullus colocynthis Seeds: A Potential Natural Immune Modulator Source for Broiler Reared under Chronic Heat Stress. Animals 202111, 1951. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11071951

Chronic heat-stress exposure directly affects broiler immune response. Immunosuppression was demonstrated in broiler exposed to chronic heat stress with deterioration in humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Natural immune modulator material is considered as a safe material for human consumption of poultry products. Citrullus colocynthis (CC) is a natural herb plant that has traditionally been used in folk remediation. Anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory attributes are some of the CC medical properties. The present study aims to investigate the immune modulator potentials of CC seeds supplementation to chronically heat- stressed-exposed broilers. Results demonstrated that CC seeds supplementation to heat-stressed broilers was able to alleviate the negative impacts of heat stress on broiler immune responses and antioxidant status. Thus, CC seeds are suggested to be added to broilers reared under heat stress in order to improve the immune response and consequently ameliorate productivity.


Citrullus colocynthisheat stressbroilerhumoral immunitycell-mediated immunityproduction performancestress markers