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Recent growth in global commodity prices, as well as expansion of domestic and export markets among emerging economies, translates to new and better opportunities for smallholder farmers in the developing world to access these markets. Increased production of high value horticulture crops in developing countries is also creating opportunities for small-scale farmers. Large corporations realize that farmers in developing countries, with both large and small land holdings, are potential suppliers in international, domestic and regional supply chains. Though there are risks in emerging markets, these trends could bring increased support services for farmers such as improved technology, extension, finance and insurance.  -- Brian Flanagan, Linking Smallholder Farmers to Markets


  1. 2011/07/20 ECHO has not often shared marketing information and advice, because markets tend to be uncertain and volatile. Advice that is good for one location might not be helpful in another. Yet we recognize the important influence of economics and marketing in the lives of small-scale farmers. Although...
  2. 2012/10/01 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #15 Editor: Between 1997 and 2009, Kirby Rogers worked as part of a team to establish an agriculture-based business called Natural Products (NPI) in Bokeo, Laos. Much of this effort involved promoting soybean as a local cash crop as well as developing related...
  3. 2016/04/12 Marketing is the heart of every business! Until a sale is made, all we are doing isspending money! Operations thrive or die based on whatthey get from marketing. In Nigeria, marketing channel for thedistribution of a commodity may varyfrom one part of the country toanother.
  4. 2016/04/12 Understanding The Cassava Crop Cassava is a perennial shrub It grows to heights of between 1.5-2m (though some may grow to 4m) It is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings In plant breeding, propagation is by botanical seeds Grown mainly for its starchy and tuberous roots Performs best on a...
  5. This Guide to Rapid Market Analysis Methods is a product of the experiences and lessons learnt while implementing agro-enterprise projects in Latin America, Africa and S.E Asia. This manual is one of a series of agro-enterprise publications developed through a collaborative learning alliance...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Traditionally, honey was sold in the comb, but nowadays most consumers prefer honey that is extracted from the comb. This processed honey is clean and ready to use, and can be stored over a longer period of time. To ensure that honey keeps its quality, you have...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video It is very important to have a product that doesn’t change, that is of the same quality, the same taste, the same colour and that is well presented. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Bemba Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video For years coffee farmers in Uganda have been at a disadvantage, but over the past 10 to 15 years some incredible changes have been seen - thanks to farmers organising themselves into groups. By working together they have increased the quality of their coffee crop...
  9. Biodiversity, food security, nutrition, health, economic development – all these topics are high on the agenda of numerous organisations around the world and are the goals of global campaigns, initiatives, task forces and research projects. And they all have one thing in common: they are all...
  10. 1992/01/01 This proceedings compiles 27 papers presented and submitted for discussion during the 3 day workshop held in BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur in 1992. We hope that it will provide the much needed answers and information that would guide policymakers, researchers and extensionists in planning and...
  11. Small holder farmers and entrepreneurs from Tanzania provide insights in markets for organic products. English Subtitles
  12. Every community, no matter how neglected or remote, has one tremendous resource: its people Three quarters of the poorest people in the world live in the rural areas of developing countries. Mostof them depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Climate change, a growing global population, and...
  13. 1994/01/01 This text introduces readers to vegetable production and guides them through the process of growing a profitable crop in tropical or subtropical climates. It provides details for 59 specific vegetables including the choice of cultivars, their cultivation and management and even how to use them....
  14. Abstract,World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science, 2019 This review paper focuses on production and marketing of edible fruit like mango. Fruit crops play an important role in the national food security of people around the world. They are generally delicious and highly nutritious, mainly of...
  15. The Horticulture Innovation Lab's global research network advances fruit and vegetable innovations, empowering smallholder farmers to earn more income while better nourishing their communities. The program is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and led by ateam at the...
  16. 2013/02/20
  17. 2014/03/20
  18. 2016/03/02 Session: Livestock is the main source of livelihoods for pastoralist in Marsabit County with 80% of the population directly depending on them. Food for the hungry supported and established 13 livestock markets in Marsabit. The markets provided great platform where herders, traders, government and...
  19. Abstract,International Food Policy Research Institute, 2006 Modern crop production is based on only a few plant species. Particularly in marginal environments of developing agricultural economies, many less well-known agricultural or nontimber forest species, continue to be grown, managed or...
  20. 2018/03/06
  21. Discover content and resources related to market development, economic growth, and cross-cutting issues. Each topic below contains the most recent Marketlinks posts, events, and discussions tagged to that subject. The Tools & Training section of Marketlinks contains a set of recommended...
  22. Access Agriculture Training Video Let us learn from the experiences of some innovative farmers in Ghana who make more money: by producing onions when there are few of them on the market; by storing them until the price comes up again; and by selling directly to clients in urban markets. ...
  23. Access Agriculture Training Video Harvest is a very crucial part of your work as a farmer. If you get it right you will be rewarded with higher yields and better fruit quality – which translates to more income. In this video we will show you what you need to do to improve your harvesting...
  24. 2018/02/08 Speaker Bio: Daniela (DJ) graduated from Texas Christian University in 2000 with a degree in Advertising. DJ first came to Asia in 2004 to serve among the people of Central Asia. Now living in Chiang Mai, Thailand with her family of 4 since 2012, she completed her MBA in July 2017 focusing on...
  25. 2019/10/04 Part 2
  26. 2019/10/04 Example of Value-added farm products- Straw Factory operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  27. 2011/01/20
  28. 2013/10/02
  29. This training manual deals with certain teaching and learning strategies that enhance knowledge and skills of the targeted participants focused on the various concepts of nursery management practices and techniques used in the production, maintenance and marketing of quality tree planting...
  30. This publication reviews the experiences of non-governmental and community-based organisations in agricultural marketing initiatives. Many NGOs target the rural poor, whose livelihoods are generally focused on primary agriculture or trade, processing and services linked to the agricultural...
  31. 2019/10/04
  32. The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. The marketing exercises...
  33. Access Agriculture Training Video Via social media farmers market their organic produce and customers place orders from to 5 kg of organic produce. Customers receive guaranteed healthy, fresh farm produce delivered to their door. By having a fixed client base, farmers have a regular income and...
  34. 2000/01/01 Rural people in developing countries usually produce their own food. In addition to food, households also need money, to pay for clothes or school fees for the children, for example. Many households have set up other activities on the side, in addition to basic food production, to earn money....
  35. This 8-page leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, helps pastoralists understand markets for animals and milk. It gives background information on types of products, market chains, adding value and different types of markets. Marketing processes are clearly outlined, along with...
  36. 1998/12/19 Agricultural trade The organic market Fair trade and trade development Trade opportunities Strategies to commercialise agroforestry products Sustainable chocolate Organic agriculture The weakest go to the wall Sustainable agriculture needs sustainable markets Green market Marketing organic...