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Edible: Leaves, Vegetable, Root

A herb. It is an erect plant and forms tillers. It can grow 1.3 m high. The stem leaves can often have red marks. The leaf shape varies. The lower leaves are more oval and the stem leaves are more narrow.

A tropical plant. In China it grows in mountain valleys between 200-3,000 m above sea level. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Indian lettuce, A tua la nang, Batudan, Beroberoka, Bo cong anh, Chi guo ju, Daun pandjang, Gatudan, Gilgiloy, Indian salad, Komak, Kuban kayu rana, Kumak, Lampenas, Rau diep dai, Saranggu, Sawi rana, Sijungkat, Sinnaeng-i, Tempuh wiyang, Tokkissalbab, Umek, Wanggodulppaegi


Lactuca mauritiana Poir.;
Prenanthes squarrosa Thunb.; ?
Pterocypsela indica (L.) C. Shih; ?
