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The fundamental insight of KNF is to strengthen the biological functions of each aspect of plant growth in order to increase the productivity and nutrition. Biology thereby reduces or eliminates the need for chemical interventions, whether to protect against predation or competition with other plants. For example, the metabolism of indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) produces complete proteins, while insects prefer incomplete proteins.

KNF avoids the use of manure, thereby reducing the chance of transferring pathogens from the manure back into the food production chain, although in nitrogen-poor conditions adding manure can increase yield.

  • Use the nutrients contained within the seeds
  • Use indigenous microorganisms (IMO)
  • Maximize inborn potential with fewer inputs
  • Avoid commercial fertilizers
  • Avoid tilling
  • No use of livestock-waste

--- Wikipedia

  1. 2011/01/20 Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) is another oft-used Natural Farming input. It can be made in the following way: Collect plants that have defenses against the cold and that grow well in the spring. Other good plants to use are ones that are fast-growing and vigorous (these contain very active growth...
  2. Available on iOS and Android Calculate the exact amount of solutions needed to make Soil, Seed, Leaf, Flowering, and Fruiting Formulas with this simple app!
  3. Tutorials and Forum Access to Books and App KNF Training CourseYou can get Level 1 certified by watching this video series and registering with theKNF Certification Organizationonline. Further levels of certification require hands-on participation and validation by accredited instructors.
  4. University of Hawaii CTAHR - Research Papers How to cultivate Indigenous Micro Organisms [BIO-9]2008 Natural Farming: Fermented Plant Juice [SA-7] Natural Farming: Lactic Acid Bacteria [SA-8] Natural Farming: Diluted Seawater [SA-9] Natural Farming: Water Soluble Calcium [SA-10] Natural Farming:...
  5. Korean Natural Farming student and teacher documenting the wisdom and teachings of KNF. Many how to videos, tours and demonstration farms are shown as i travel around the world. Natural farming uses indigenous micro organisms to bring balance to food production and maintain living soil. Many...
  6. 후원에 관심을 가지고 계신 여러분! 진심으로 감사드립니다. 여러분의 후원은 ‘생명의 농업’과 ‘생명의 문화’를 더욱 확산시키는데 귀중한 밑거름이 됩니다. 자닮은 모진 재정적인 압박을 견디며 초저비용농업의 길을 흔들림 없이 걸을 수 있었습니다. 후원자님께 드리는 자닮 후원 감사패입니다. (감사패를 누르면 크게 보입니다) 매월 1만원씩 후원을 하시면!! 자닮사이트(www.jadam.kr)에 올려진 모든 농업현장 동영상을 볼 수 있습니다. 자닮의 모든 행사일정을 수시 문자로 알려드립니다. 천연농약 전문강좌를 3만원으로...
  7. What is Korean Natural Farming? Korean Natural Farming (KNF) is a modern natural farming practice that merges ancient Eastern sustainability with efficient Western scientific production to result in phenomenal growth in every climate worldwide. At its core, KNF is apartnership with indigenous...
  8. South Asia Rural Reconstruction Association (SARRA) Bangalore, had an extraordinary opportunity to work with Dr. Cho Han Kyu of South Korea from 2006 onwards. Unlike the main stream agriculture scientists, Dr. Cho was able to think out of the Box. Even as a final year graduate student of...
  9. A. Keliikuli, K. Smith,Y. Li,and C.N. Lee, February, 2019. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawai'i. Korean natural farming is a self-sufficient farming system that involves the culturing of indigenous microorganisms (IMO) – bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and...
  10. Sherri A. Miller1 , David M. Ikeda1 , Eric Weinert, Jr.1 , Kim C.S. Chang1 , Joseph M. McGinn1 , Cheyanne Keliihoomalu2 , and Michael W. DuPonte2 Hawai‘i is heavily dependent on imported food to feed its residents and visitors; moreover, conventional agricultural production in the state also...

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