1. Neil Rowe Miller serves with Mennonite Central Committee as a technical advisor to conservation agriculture projects funded by the Canadian Food Grains Bank in eastern Africa. His career spans 33 years working with small-scale farmers in the developing world as well as consultingfor large-scale...
  2. 2017/04/12 Biofortified crops: What are they, how do they work and why should we grow them? The cheers and challenges of Conservation Agriculture programs Echoes from our Network:Woman and Agriculture feedback from Joel Matthews From ECHO's Seed Bank: Gac - A colorful and health-promoting fruit eBook...
  3. 2017/04/12 Angela Boss and Stephan Lutz, both working with World Renew, spoke at ECHO’s November 2015 International Agriculture Conference about Conservation Agriculture (CA). CA is an ecological, resource-saving approach to farming in which soils are maintained through the application of three main...
  4. 2014/10/27
  5. 2014/10/20
  6. 2011/01/20
  7. 2011/01/20
  8. 2013/01/20
  9. 2013/02/20
  10. 2013/02/20