1. 1979/01/01 In many areas of developing countries paper is scarce. Rural schools may not have enough paper for their students and market goods may be wrapped in old newspapers if at all. Often this is because resources are not available to invest in modern papermaking factories, which require large amounts...
  2. 1986/01/01 One field in which hand and small-scale papermakers do find a niche is the production of the very highest quality "art" papers, or the manufacture of a variety, of paper products or small local markets that are not served by large producers. Another area in which papermaking processes can be...
  3. 1989/01/01 This Profile describes a small plant that will serve local needs, mainly in the trade-sales sector. Its output may exceed 4,000 liters per week (L/wk). For economic reasons, at least part of its total output may have been imported in bulk, and then tested, modified, and repackaged for the local...
  4. 1989/01/01 This paper describes how to start or expand a paint manufacturing facility in a nonindustrial country. The business information can also apply to the manufacture of number of other products, printing inks, cosmetics, glues and adhesives, textile treatments, carpet backing, paper modifications,...
  5. 1981/01/01 This oven was designed and built for use in the Godavari School in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is built of solid brick, with a sheet iron door. A wood fire is burned in the oven, the ashes removed, and the bread slipped in to bake in the heat retained by the thick brick wall. The oven for the school has...
  6. 1984/01/01 This simple, low-cost bakery oven is fueled by waste, automotive crankcase oil. The design has undergone extensive testing. It is designed to be built from locally available materials. This oven is capable of maintaining a 160 degrees C to 190 degrees C baking temperature on .946 to 1.4 liters of...
  7. 1984/01/01 This technical bulletin briefly describes a new technique for using the spent lubricating oil removed from automobiles. This oil normally has no immediate use. It is often discarded in ways that can foul local groundwater or upset wastewater treatment systems. The "waste oil" can be burned as...
  8. 1984/01/01 Metal scrap, although unfamiliar to most people, is one of the world's larger industries with regard to the number of companies and people employed, weight of material handled and value of equipment used. It offers exceptionally good opportunities, for creating new businesses in developing...
  9. 1987/01/01 This Profile describes one plant operating with one shift and producing 15,000 dozens pairs of pants a year, and another that produces 22,000 dozens a year. It is important for a small factory to be able to produce varied styles. Therefore, it is imperative to have a designer/pattern-maker...
  10. 1988/01/01 This profile describes two plants, operating with three shifts for 52 weeks per year. The smaller has an annual manufacturing capacity of 2,220,000 barrels; the larger has an annual capacity of 4,440,000 barrels. The methods of LPG recovery fall into four general classifications: (1) absorption,...