1. 1998/12/19 Trees can be an effective source of mulch in drylands.
  2. 1998/05/19 A conversation concerning the difficulty of obtaining mulch in semi-arid areas.
  3. 2005/01/20 These non-leguminous species were used as mulches by ICRAF researchers to increase maize yields. Leaves of both species contain up to 3 percent nitrogen. Surprisingly phosphorus also is found in high quantities in the leaves of these hedgerow weeds.
  4. 2005/01/20 Maradi Integrated Development Project has forced me to question the wisdom of assuming that increases of organic content and fertility are always best.
  5. 2005/07/20 Joel Matthewsreceived some feedbackabout his comments on low fertility soil and traditional varieties in EDN 86. In response, he sent the following additional comment.
  6. Competition for mulch and fodder is one of the key issues constraining successful conservation agriculture in areas where livestock are a part of the agricultural system. Convenor: Putso Nyathi is a Conservation Agriculture Technical Officer for Southern Africa with MCC supporting CFGB funded...
  7. 2008/07/20 Keep the soil covered. At ECHO,the soil around nearly all our plantings—vegetables, fruits, grains, root and tuber crops, even forestry plots—is covered with organic matter.
  8. 1993/07/19 Martin Gingerich, Haiti. The note in EDN 39-4 on using Guinea grass,Panicum maximum, as a mulch for onions arrived while Martin was learning about a traditional system using Guinea grass in Haiti. This is in an area near La Valee Jacmel at about 800-1000 meters and 2,000 mm (80 inches) of...
  9. Sheet composting is an ancient technique that has many practical applications today. Also referred to as lasagna composting or sheet mulching, sheet composting is a cold composting method that has been used by people around the world for generations. It is an excellent way to convert grass to...