1. 2018/01/01 In this exciting new edition ofAll New Square Foot Gardening, you'll find all of Mel's secrets revealed and all of his techniques explained. And you'll marvel at how simply it really is: Mix perfect soil in a raised box and space your crops carefully in square-foot grids. This beautiful new...
  2. 2002/02/01 Clear and easy directions.Vegetables for every season: 21 varieties of beans, including favas and haricots verts; peppers from sweet orange Valencias to fiery Thai Dragons (scorchers at 60,000 Scoville units); dwarf eggplants; fingerling potatoes; 17 terrific tomatoes; lettuces; and Asian greens...
  3. 1961/01/01 Instructions for the propagation, culture and care of these two groups as well as the origin of these species and the description of the most popular modern varieties, are set forth on the following pages.
  4. This publication reports on the introduction of Bio-Intensive Gardening Technology with displaced sugar workers of Negros.